Help Setting up Aeotec Z-Stick Gen5, Z-Wave Plus usb stick

I’m running my (non-hassio) HA instance in Docker in Debian 9 installed on a NUC and I have mine setup using udev rules and it works perfectly fine.

It complained when I tried to set it up using “/dev/by-id/…” but using udev rules work.

otherwise I’m not sure what you have to do differently in hassio.

But how am I supposed to do any of this when all I have is the shell with just some basic commands? I must be missing something? Is there a way to gain full root access on the latest rpi build?

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That would be my vote…:wink:

I am using the series 2 stick but it just worked when I plugged it in and added this to my configuration.yaml

#Turn on zwave support
  usb_path: /dev/ttyUSB0

Try this thread as well: Help! - Setup Aeotec Z-Wave USB Stick

If you have installed home assistant on Arch Linux, the following command will help to get access rights to the Z-Wave usb-device:

sudo usermod -a -G uucp hass

I have read every single thread on this site regarding this issue. I have wasted countless hours on this one stupid thing and I have to let any other future stranger that may be in the same pit as I know: User permissions don’t take effect until you relogin your shell.

I am too used to tmux.