Help to create home automation- smart home

Definitely go for regular pc. Minimum 8gb of ram 250 gb ssd. When you start adding devices, cameras, this, that you will need memory and space.
I have i3, 8 gb of ram, 32 gb of swap, 2 ssd, one just for backup, container based instalation on debian.

Depends on what you want do do. One of my HA’s is running on a Pi 2b (1Gb), HDD, 1018 entities, 6 cameras. Can’t say it is slow, you only see it when rebooting compared to my Pi 4 8Gb.

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Don’t misslead this guy. Sure it is possible to run 6 cameras on a pi but you don’t use frigate cpu detectors for it. It is possible to have a lot of zigbee devices on a pi as zigbee and mqtt protocol are light weight and doesn’t consume a lot of cpu or memory.
But this doesn’t mean that it’s a good nor great thing to do it as a pi is not meant for such a load.