I am currently a user of Jeedom on a Jeedom Atlas but I am becoming increasingly unsatisfied with its use due to many obsolete plugins and a lack of plugins dedicated for belgian services. I therefore want to migrate to Home Assistant to benefit from greater flexibility and a bigger community.
I wanted to ask for your help with this migration. I want to reuse the hardware from my Jeedom Atlas box and install Home Assistant instead. I am aware that this may be complicated and I am therefore willing to follow your instructions to achieve this. I have no problem losing my Jeedom automations.
I am convinced that your expertise and support will be valuable in helping me successfully complete this migration.
Thank you in advance for your time and help.
Chers membres de la communauté Home Assistant,
Je suis actuellement utilisateur de Jeedom Atlas mais je suis de plus en plus insatisfait de son utilisation en raison de nombreux plugins obsolètes et d’un grand manque de plugins dédié au service belge. Je souhaite donc migrer vers Home Assistant pour bénéficier d’une plus grande flexibilité et d’une plus grande communauté.
Je voulais donc vous demander votre aide pour cette migration. Je souhaite réutiliser le matériel de ma box Jeedom Atlas et installer Home Assistant à la place. Je suis conscient que cela peut être compliqué et je suis donc prêt à suivre vos instructions pour y arriver. Je n’ai pas de problème à perdre mes automatisations jeedom.
Je suis convaincu que votre expertise et votre soutien seront précieux pour m’aider à réaliser cette migration avec succès.
Je vous remercie par avance pour votre temps et votre aide.
What type of hardware are you using for Jeedom Atlas?
What type of sensors are you using? Z-Wave, Zigbee, Shelly, Wemo???
Do you have an Energy system you wish to monitor?
If Jeedom is on a normal pc then the install will be easier.
My recommendation is to set up a plan as to what is the most important to the least important for your sensors and controls.
Such as
Door Locks
Garage Door
Light Switches
Energy service scraping
Breaking it down will allow you to get the most for your efforts.
I hope this gives you things to consider. The forum needs more info to help you with this
I only have a bluetooth and zigbee sensor for the moment.
Jeedom Atlas spec:
6-Core 64-bit Processor
Dual-core Arm Cortex-A72 64-bit @ 2.0GHz
combined with a quad-core Arm Cortex-A53 64-bit @ 1.5GHz
4 external USB - 2 x USB.2 and 2 x USB.3
Emmc 32GB hard drive
ZigBee antenna
WiFi 2.4 and 5 Ghz integrated
Integrated Bluetooth 5.0
Integrated RTC battery
Power supply 9V 2A USB-C EU plug
I m actually looking to flash using this ubuntu image (rock 4A if I m correct) My modem tell me it a rockpi 4B Rock4/downloads - Radxa Wiki
What I currently have and want to integrate :
Full home using Philips Hue (+50 lamp and accessories) lamp with 2 bridge.
Ecowater system
Belgium electric communicating counter
Yale lock system (with bridge)
Ecovacs deebot
Gardena sileno automower
mercedes car
powerdale nexxtender charging solution (using iot)
Vaillant calormatic 350
Android TV Shield
Google home
AdGuard home on a pi3
Hormann garage door (bluetooth)
What want to do :
Collect data and store it in notion
integrat chat gpt
use MQTT
Futur stuff I want to buy/ integrate later
Ajax alarm system (only data collection)
Scrap ores, ecowater, antargaz data if I don’t find a plugin to do it.
automatic save backup on a cloud solution
Edit: It was a hell but I finally install ubuntu … I got a lot of issue (etcher crashing, several try to flash the rockPi, network issue ethernet, issue to get the ip from my modem)
I don’t know if I should let the usb card connected to the rockPi, tomorrow I ll trw to install HA but it look difficult, is there some command I can run to avoid using a usb card ?
on step 4 to fix qn issue i ve updqte the following command as: sudo add-apt-repository “deb [trusted=yes][arch=amd64] Index of linux/ubuntu/ focal stable”
I complete using the end of this tuto (to add user group)
I m back to this topic, finally I didn’t use HA because all the addons were missing.
Any idea how to install the HAOS (not th docker version) on the rockpi4 ?
And ofc keeping the update over the air I ve say some github repo dedicated for the rockpi4 but I don’t want to flash the device every month to keep HA updated.