Help us name a Home Assistant installation method (Polls added)

I doubt there will ever be a way to not have some sort of “twisted” meaning depending on how hard someone might want to dig into it. That’s the problem of language.

Over 90% of the world likely never saw anything wrong with hass as an abbreviation for Home Assistant. I’m sure that number will be even much higher for HA OS.

I’m sure it will be just fine the way it is…

My favorite cultural error was a marketing campaign for laundry detergent in a nation where literacy was very low. They chose to create a wordless ad showing dirty laundry in the left hand picture, their detergent in the center picture, and clean clothes in the right hand picture. It sounds simple and logical except the target country reads from right to left.

Another one was a photo of a baby on a can of baby food. Given that many canned goods show pictures of what they contain, this one was not well received.


must have missed the change in the thread above, (and forgive me if I am reading the incorrect conclusion) but where did Paulus decide to move away from the above All-in-One (which was the most obvious candidate next to Suite imho) to OS … ?? Other than Help us name a Home Assistant installation method (Polls added) - #286 by kanga_who there’s no announcement Home Assistant OS is the final choice?

Being relatively new to HA but being in IT for 25+ years, I can say that calling something an OS to me means I’m getting an actual OS and nothing else. If I am getting an all in one solution that contains the OS and the software, then that’s an appliance or virtual appliance. And if I’m getting just the software to run on a supported OS of my choosing then it’s just software or an application (installable or dockerized).

Sticking with these mainstream and well known definitions would be productive IMO.


HAOS stands for Home Assistant One Suite right?

:rofl: :joy:

well, this is really perplexing. Makes one to never bother joining an ‘official’ poll again. Home Assistant OS, even in that thread is commented to be unwise. And with the flick of a re-read is chosen to be the new name?
Btw, too bad the ADR thread wasn’t posted here, since why discuss the exact same topic on 2 fora. I would think many people here would have liked to join in in that discussion too.

O well, otoh, what’s in a name…

I’d personally like for it to be called “HassOS”. Short and catchy.

but they need to rename the actual “HassOS” to something else to not create confusion. Maybe just “Supervisor”.

It’s done.


It is very enlightening to see I am running Home Assistant O(operating) S(system) version 0.112 on H(ome)ass(istant) O(perating)S(ystem) version 4.10, which is running on operating system Linux with operating system version 4.19.126

of all the names, this should have been the least obvious :frowning:

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Five mentions of O(perating) (S)ystem

That’ll clear up all the confusion.

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haha, yes, but beware of the HAOS, the Behemoth

Why not
Home Assistant Image?
HA Image

Absolutely this. And don’t name the containerized version “* Container” or “Dockerized *” that is so redundant I want to cry.

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I completely agree. The only logical names are Home Assistant Appliance for bare-metal deployments and Home Assistant Virtual Appliance for deployments on virtualization platforms. These are standard industry terms.

The new name is illogical to both new users with or without a technical background.

I don’t agree with the argument that the installation name should be dumbed down for new users without a technical background because these users will have to learn the terms. If a user Googles ‘virtual appliance’ that user will learn what a virtual appliance is. Following that logic, a lot of new users don’t know, or have never heard of YAML. Should it then be renamed to Homeassistant Markup in the official docs to make it more clear for beginners? I don’t think it should.


Well has its already been renamed any arguments are null and void. The poll closed, the winner won, the name changed. lets move on

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That’s what they said after the first renaming :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :slight_smile:

3rd times the charm they say lol