Help with 315mhz remote control

Mostly I tested it about 10cm from the screen control box. What would be some reasonable distances to test from?

Maybe little more, try 1m

Ok, I got it working!
It turns out I’m not crazy.
The receiver on the esp was not showing the complete signal from the original remote with either tasmota or esphome.
I ended up purchasing an SDR dongle and running rtl_433 to monitor at 315mhz… and the comparison was revelatory! complete bits that I didn’t even know were there!

Once I programmed in the new raw signal, it worked the first try.

#Projector Screen
  - platform: template
    name: "Projector Screen Stop"
      - then:
        - remote_transmitter.transmit_raw : 
            transmitter_id: RF_TX
            code: [ 200,-600,  200,-600,  600,-200,  200,-600,  600,-200,  200,-600,  200,-600,  200,-600,  200,-600,  600,-200,  200,-600,  200,-600,  600,-200,  600,-200,  200,-600,  600,-200,  200,-600,  200,-600,  200,-600,  200,-600,  600,-200,  200,-600,  200,-600,  200,-600,  200,-600, ]
              times: 5
              wait_time: 6000us

I don’t know if it’s a hardware limitation or something in the rc_switch library, but now I know I can’t necessarily trust the output of the receiver on the esp360

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Looks like your setup wasn’t able to recognize 220us high pulse when the previous low pulse was only 160us.

Well done, I tried decoding some 433 mhz signals with ESPHome and like you had to use something else but same receiver. To me ESPHome receiver was more like a random number generator when I tried it, I thought at the time it was fundamentally broken but was just me.

At least you’re sorted.


Lol I’m right there with you on this. :point_up:

Hopefully this will help someone else in the future at least. :raised_hands:

It would help, if you analyze what was wrong and why…

Absolutely, but I don’t know how to know why the esp receiver was losing bits. I have, at least, provided the information that the problem can exist and a solution that exists. Is it an ideal, perfect solution? no. But I won’t let perfection be the enemy.

Would love to know the cause if someone with more knowledge of the inner workings of the esp or rc_switch library could dig into it!

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