Help with a tempalte

I am trying to make an automation for google home and I am stuck a little in a template

- id: Morning Report
  alias: Morning Report
      platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.3_radar_saloni
      to: 'on'
    condition: time
    after: '05:00:00'
    before: '11:00:00'
    - service: media_player.volume_set  
        entity_id: media_player.living_room_speaker
        volume_level: 0.4
    - service: tts.google_translate_say
      entity_id: media_player.living_room_speaker
        message: > 
          The weather for today is {{states.sensor.dark_sky_summary.state}}
          {% if states.sensor.outdoor_temperature.state|int > 70 %}
          High Humidity today at {{states.outdoor_temperature.state}
          {% endif %}
          {% if states.sensor.wind_speed_ss_90_m4.state|int > 15 %}
          Be advised it is windy outside.
          {% endif %}
          Home temperature is {{states.sensor.living_room_temperature_2.state}
          Bath temperature is {{states.sensor.bath_temp_2.state}
          {% if states.sensor.temperature_purifier.state|int > 40 %}
          There is available hot water for bath
          {% endif %}
    - delay:
        seconds: 30
    - service: media_player.volume_set  
        entity_id: media_player.living_room_speaker
        volume_level: 0.3

I can not find out whats wrong with it. (poor knowledge for sure)
Can someone explain?

Put the message part of your code into Developer Tools -> Templates and you’ll see the problem with your code. Your missing a lot of these } in your code, you start with two {{ but only have one } at the end.

I also recommend to use this notation states('') instead of for more invormation about this, take a look at the docs here.

I’d try something like this, I’m not sure whether you need some else statements as well:

  message: >-
      The weather for today is {{ states('sensor.dark_sky_summary') }}
      {% if states('sensor.outdoor_temperature') | int > 70 %}
        High Humidity today at {{ states('sensor.outdoor_temperature') }}
      {% endif %}
      {% if states('sensor.wind_speed_ss_90_m4') | int > 15 %}
        Be advised it is windy outside.
      {% endif %}
        Home temperature is {{ states('sensor.living_room_temperature_2') }}
        Bath temperature is {{ states('sensor.bath_temp_2')  }}
      {% if states('sensor.temperature_purifier') | int > 40 %}
        There is available hot water for bath
      {% endif %}

Also in your first if statement, you probably want to check the humidity sensor and not the temperature sensor?

Thanks. Templates helped a lot. I always use them, I don’t know why I didn’t this time. Didn’t even think about it.

do you happen to know how I can convert to a readable text the following calendar sensor

Next calendar event on {{ state_attr('calendar.makis', 'start_time') }} 

i get this

Next calendar event on 2020-05-11 11:30:00

but google home reads like two zero two zero five etc
and I would like something
Monday 11 May at eleven thirty in the morning

Check out this thread.

This should match what you wanted.

{{ as_timestamp(state_attr('calendar.makis', 'start_time')) | timestamp_custom("%A %d %b %H:%M") }}

He’s been on that thread already, he didn’t read it he just asked.
The are are means of extracting ‘words’ to be spoken but I think he just wants an answer.

Thank you it is working.

Sorry, but you are a little unfair with me here.
I did try several times and as I see I was close to solution at least for the second part of the formula (but probably never found it by myself)
I read this thread also, so I had many tries like the following

{{ state_attr ('calendar.makis', 'start_time' | timestamp_custom('%D %-I:%M %P')) }} 

but I always changed the second part with timestamp. I didn’t realize something that seems obvious/logical now (to add timestamp in first part too) , and that’s why the result I was getting was always the same.
I am not a programmer or something like that and I really don’t know any kind of coding language.
Most of my coding is from other members of the forum and by this I am learning but up to a point. There are many times where I am reading a part of a code and I really don’t understand anything especially if it is the first time I am dealing with it, like this time. I never used a template with “ifs” which even now it seems very difficult to me. (most of this code I took it from here