Help with adding sensors

Hello, all! I am brand new to Home Assistant but am ready to take the full plunge.

I’m experimenting with a Virtual Machine running Home Assistant 2020.12.2 (OS 5.9). I’ve successfully added some Kasa (TP-LINK) devices and my Rachio sprinkler controller… but I cannot get the sensors to show up.

Many threads referenced an alarmdotcom custom component/script from here:

I tried following the instructions listed on the github repository. I copied the custom components to the correct folder. I updated my configurations.yaml file. I put in my credentials to access the site…

…but I still am getting errors.

Platform error alarm_control_panel.alarmdotcom - No module named 'pyalarmdotcomajax’

Does anybody know if it is still possible to add the sensors to Home Assistant? I read several threads that indicated that this may be removed in the future.

If the component is installed along with its manifest.json file, HA should automatically install the pyalarmdotcomajaxmodule from PyPI. However, for some reason a few users have reported the same issue that you are seeing. I have been unable to reproduce this. A workaround is to manually install the pyalarmdotcomajax module from the command line using pip.
For sensor setup you can look @FlyGuy62N 's thread: Interpreting Sensor State .


Thanks for the reply (and for creating this configuration!). I did copy the custom component (and the manifest.json file is included in this folder).

How do I manually install the pyalarmdotcomajax module from the command line (using pip)?

I installed the “Terminal & SSH” add-on, and can access the terminal (inside of Home Assistant). When I try to run a pip command, it tells me:

bash: pip: command not found


I just tried installing the Alarmdotcom module via HACS and I also completely restarted my VM. Now it is working and I am able to connect to the the portal.

Next, I’ll be figuring out how to integrate the sensors and garage door openers into my HA!


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Hey @perfect I was curious if you ever had success installing the other devices to home assistant. I’m beginning my journey to migrate away from HomeSeer and into home assistant and while I was able to get the basic panel functions working and into my home assistant installation using this community custom integration, I still need to figure out a way to get the alarm motion sensors and contact/door sensors into home assistant.

Part of the current home automation implementation that I have set up uses Hoobs and the Alarmdotcom plugin to inject this into HomeKit, so I know it’s technically possible I’m just trying to find a way to repeat this for home assistant.

Any help is greatly appreciated thanks.

I too am new to HA. I’ve added the alarmdotcom repository, but when I try to add it as an intergration via configuration the repo does not show up. What am I missing?