Help with Aeotec ZW095 - Home Energy Monitor

My TED5000 finally died and after much research, I chose to replace it with an Aeotec ZW095 Gen 5. I am seeing much larger readings from the ZW095 (in terms of energy usage) than I did with my TED. The TED closely matched my utility bill, so I’m assuming the ZW095 is not configured/reporting correctly.

Here you can see the discrepancy from the HA Energy Dashboard:

My TED5000 died somewhere around July 16 and I installed and captured the first full day of readings on July 27.

I am using the sensor.hem_electric_consumption_kwh for my energy usage. I made the following changes to the default settings on the ZW095:

  • Parameter 2: Power - Absolute value of energy
  • Parameter 101: enabled kWH, W, V, A (nothing else)
  • Parameter 111: 30

Any insight would be greatly appreciated,

I am definitely doing something wrong. There are 2 problems with this graph:

  1. The obvious crazy amount of energy apparently consumed at 3am.
  2. The baseline overnight is showing as 1.54kWh. With my TED5000 this was less than 1kWh

Am I using the correct entity? Is this a problem with the ZW095, or HA’s utility integration mis-reading/computing the amount? What are other people using the ZW095 using for their utility integration?

Going to keep sharing here in case anyone else wants to go on this journey with me. I just noticed that there is a second set of entities with _electrical_production in them. I have been using sensor.hem_electric_consumption_kwh, but there is a similar entity called sensor.hem_electric_production_kwh.

I have Parameter 2 (energy detection mode) set to the default. Should I be selecting a different value? I do not have any solar panels and am a straight consumer of electricity.

Which firmware version does it have? the latest is 1.37 but it depends on the hardware version you have… I’ve read of people having similar issues and getting improved readings after upgrading the firmware…

You can request the firmware from them (link)

I’ve had one of these new in a box for years and finally decided to use it, just installed it and it has firmware v1.31 so before doing anything else I requested the latest version, lets see what they send…

I wonder if the daily yield cycle is getting reset, I had this issue with a microinverter. The clue was in the logs. For me it showed this error:

9614:2023-06-02 16:00:10.512 INFO (Recorder) [homeassistant.components.sensor.recorder] Detected new cycle for sensor.hm350_yieldday, value dropped from 877.0 to 0.0, triggered by state with last_updated set to 2023-06-02T15:56:29.701817+00:00

Do you see similar in yours for that period of unexplained use?

I didn’t notice anything like that. I’ve found an (alternate?) solution and will post below.

It appears I’ve fixed my problem problem of erroneous kWh readings from the ZW095. Rather than using the values as presented by the ZW095, I’m calculating kWh with integration sensor of the W value. Here is what I’m doing with my hypothesis at the end:

  - platform: integration
    source: sensor.hem_electric_consumption_w
    name: calculated_hem_electric_consumption_kwh
    unit_prefix: k
    round: 2  

    source: sensor.calculated_hem_electric_consumption_kwh
    cycle: daily
      - onpeak
      - midpeak
      - offpeak

My theory is that ZW095 is simply not powerful enough to do an integration/calculation of the kWh. The W readings appear to be accurate, and there is no reason the device cannot present these. However, a small device like it cannot do the calculation fast/accurately enough. So, instead, I rely on my server that is running HA to do the calculation.

Can you share how you added the ZW095? I have one connected, Zwave, shows in my enabled entities, but now I’m lost at adding and showing my power consumption.

I don’t see and entities or logging options for any sensors.