heater string REQUIRED
entity_id for heater switch, must be a toggle device
Does your light switch fulfill this condition? Anything in HA logs?
heater string REQUIRED
entity_id for heater switch, must be a toggle device
Does your light switch fulfill this condition? Anything in HA logs?
I think I figured it out. If the initial_hvac_mode is set to “off”, it’s like a master switch that would keep the heating off until I switch it to “heat”. So it never gets a chance to regulate the heating itself unless I switch the thermostat on.
I changed initial_hvac_mode now to “heat” so that if I restart HA, the thermostat would start up enabled so it can control the heating.
Simple, but I needed to understand what the initial_hvac_mode value does first before figuring this out.
Testing it now.
It’s a Sonoff ZBMini switch, so it should be good for the purpose. See my previous post, looks like I figured it out.
I call service “scheduler.run_action” after restart of HA to make sure thermostat switches to correct state. Otherwise I think it would switch on next set point change.