Help with device_tracker platform: ping

I have 2 binary_sensors and device_trackers on ping platform. They show different states. Please help understand the problem.


  - platform: ping
    scan_interval: 60
    count: 3
    consider_home: 300
      ping_galaxys7edge: !secret ip_PH-SamsungGalaxyS7edge-W
      ping_xiaomimi8: !secret ip_PH-XiaomiMi8-W
  - name: GalaxyS7edge
    host: !secret ip_PH-SamsungGalaxyS7edge-W 
    platform: ping
    count: 3
    scan_interval: 60
  - name: XiaomiMi8 
    host: !secret ip_PH-XiaomiMi8-W
    platform: ping
    count: 3
    scan_interval: 60


  hide_if_away: false
  mac: !secret mac2
  name: ping xiaomimi8
  track: true
  consider_home: 300

  hide_if_away: false
  mac: !secret mac1
  name: ping_galaxys7edge
  track: true
  consider_home: 300


How to see ping logs? Maybe I will see the difference between response from the binary_sensor and device_tracker…

My Android phone (Motorola) doesn’t answer to ping (ICMP) requests. Maybe this is true for all of them.

My both phones answer to ping. binary_sensor works fine in 98%. I can’t understand what is the difference between b_sensor and d_tracker. Maybe someone can say where to look at the python code of these platforms?

Maybe the difference is that you have “consider_home” for the device tracker and not for the binary sensor.

For the third week I’ve been changing consider_home value. It doesn’t help … How can I add binary_sensor as a tracker for a person?

Configuration --》 Persons

I set mine there (hassio 0.99)

Currently it’s not a default feature to have a binary sensor as a tracker for a person, but take a look at this feature request. I think there is a workaround in this thread.

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Thanks for advice. I am currently using this workaround. I thought there was an opportunity to do it without automation