Help with displaying a position on a scale (wind speed on Bft scale)

Can anyone help me improve my wind speed display? I’ve collected data on current wind direction speed and gusts and computed the wind on the Beaufort scale. I currently display them all as numbers but want to show it on the bft scale like this:
(or using some arrows maybe)
I have template sensors that say “WSW15” (ie a 15kt wind from the WSW) is a 4Bft wind and the 24kt gusts (“G24”) is 6bft.
I had imagined this would be easy with a picture elements card like this:

type: picture-elements
  - type: state-label
    entity: sensor.wind_speed
      top: 20%
      left: {{ states('sensor.wind_bft')|int * 10}}
image: /local/images/bft.jpeg

but nothing I have tried in the left: section works as a variable position. I’ve tried making the template return a string like 40% and that doesn’t work either.
Would anyone spare a moment to point me in the right direction?
Thanks in advance.

I recently implemented this, seems to work well and has lots of customixation.

Hi, I looked at yours and it is very beautiful!
I’m trying yo do something different which is to display current conditions more prettily. If I can crack the variable positioning I’ll do something similar with sea states.

Very few core dashboard cards support templating.

You will need a third party solution.

Thanks for this. I think I’ve installed Config Template Card but after hours of trying to use it I clearly need more help, if anyone is willing. This is my lovelace card so far:

type: custom:config-template-card
  - sensor.wind_speed
  xpos: (states('sensor.wind_bft').split('F')[1].split('-')[0])+'0%'
  type: picture-elements
  image: /local/images/bft.jpeg
    - element: null
      type: state-label
      entity: sensor.wind_speed
        top: 20%
        left: '${xpos}'

But after trying with many variants of this I can’t get the left: dimension to depend on the state of another sensor.

I found a different way of doing this using custom:card-templater, in case anyone wants to try something similar. This is still work-in-progress but it’s a start:

type: custom:card-templater
  - sensor.wind_speed
  - sensor.wind_bft
  - sensor.wind_dir
  type: picture-elements
  image: /local/images/weather.jpg
    - element: ''
      type: state-label
      entity: sensor.wind_dir
      prefix_template: '{{ "At "+states("sensor.wind_location")+" wind is:"}}'
      transform: none
        top: 10%
        left: 30%
        bold: true
    - element: ''
      type: state-label
      prefix: 'Viz: '
      entity: sensor.met_viz
      transform: none
        top: 15%
        left: 70%
    - element: ''
      type: state-label
      entity: sensor.wind_time_relative
      transform: none
        top: 4%
        left: 80%
    - element: ''
      type: state-label
      entity: sensor.wind_speed
      transform: none
        top: 20%
        left_template: >
          {% set windspeeds = [0, 3.5, 6.5, 10.5, 16.5, 21.5, 27.5, 33.5, 40.5, 47.5, 55.5, 63.5, 999] %} 
          {% set idx = windspeeds.index(windspeeds|select('>',states('sensor.wind_speed')|float)|list|first)%} 
          {{ (10*(idx-1+(states('sensor.wind_speed')|float - windspeeds[idx-1])/(windspeeds[idx] - windspeeds[idx-1])))|string+"%"}}
    - element: ''
      type: state-label
      entity: sensor.wind_gusts
      transform: none
        top: 20%
        left_template: >
          {% set windspeeds = [0, 3.5, 6.5, 10.5, 16.5, 21.5, 27.5, 33.5, 40.5, 47.5, 55.5, 63.5, 999] %} 
          {% set idx = windspeeds.index(windspeeds|select('>',states('sensor.wind_gusts')|float)|list|first) %} 
          {{ (10*(idx-1+(states('sensor.wind_gusts')|float - windspeeds[idx-1])/(windspeeds[idx]-windspeeds[idx-1])))|string+"%"}}

transform: none doesn’t prevent centering so it gets a bit messy at times, but I’m working on that.