Just updated the config, forgot you wanted a router device.
Man, this is brilliant !!
I don’t know how to tell you how happy I am
For some reason, “Switch” is translated in French dispite my HA being all in English but I dont give a flying f**k
I do not want to push my luck but do you have an idea if adding the double tap and the long push would be realistically possible ?
Anyway, thanks a thousand times already !!
Glad it’s working for you!
On the double tap and long press, what do you want them to do? I’m assuming send events like a remote would to HA. That’s on my list of things to figure out how to do but haven’t researched it yet and that’s assuming it’s supported in espidf. They still haven’t built out multistate clusters.
Indeed, sending events like a remote would to HA would be ideal.
In the meantime, could you tell me if it is possible to add a very small delay in the “push” action ?
If the switch is not perfectly clean/working, I get some “false double input” and it cancel itself. I honestly only tried on the bread bord for now but I already had a few false double.
I don’t want to insist too much, but I really would like to make something for you in return. You are really helping me here.
I’m more of an infra IT guy but if I can make something for you, it would be my pleasure.
You can adjust DEBOUNCE_TIME_MS
, I was testing with some push buttons and found a number closer to 500ms worked well.
Thanks a lot !
I do not know what timezone you live in but I wish you the best possible night.
You made my day !
It seems the esp32C6 can also not run this code . I guess I must buy an H2 board,.,.
The freezer project was developed and then tested on a c6, it should work. Double check everything, maybe even try the switch one to make sure your build environment is correct.
ok I will do it but I use Visual studio code with expressif add on . with this, I guess when you set the target it sould set all the relevant parameters for this target,In the logs I saw: E (406) ESP_ZIGBEE_CORE: Unknown device type!..Incredible…
I also use vscode with expressif add on. That should work. I actually built another project several times this weekend using the same method. Should be as simple as clone the repo, choose new espidf project, find existing esp-idf, then select the correct board type and then run board config to enable zigbee and choose router or end device. You need to make sure the device type in main.h
, see esp_zha_freezer_mon/main/main.h at 5f8b8a063e23cd4536eb5e2af640eab6d9a02582 · prairiesnpr/esp_zha_freezer_mon · GitHub, matches what you choose in board config. Then choose build, flash, debug.
FYI, YouTuber “GreatScott!” showed of DIY Zigbee with ESP32-C6 and ESP32-H2 with Home Assistant’s ZHA integration in a proof-of-concept setup and interestningly he tested range of them and found that ESP32-C6 had much greater range, see:
…also FYI, YouTuber “Andreas Spiess” also showed of a prototype of the new/upcoming ESP32-C5 dev kit board which also have a Zigbee/Thread radio (but he only tested the 5GHz Wi-Fi capability on it in that video):
PS: ESP32-C5 is interesting for those in the feature that want to use both Zigbee (or Thread) and WiFi at the same time since they will in theory not interfer with each other if configured to only use 5GHz for WiFi.
Hi Hedda, “GreatScott!” apparently needs to see your “Zigbee network optimization” guide/advice regarding extension cords and choosing a spot for the coordinator!
Just to be clear, most people in this thread are using the knock off super minis which have a cheap chip antenna and poor range. The higher end dev kits have a better antenna. The super minis are also less than a tenth of the price, so while a bit junky, they have a place.
@PrairieSnpr Could you tell me how to reset a device once it has been configured with a coordinator ?
Is there a “factory reset” procedure to be able to re-pair it to a new coordinator ?
Thanks again !
If it’s still paired to the old coordinator, go to the device page in ZHA and under the three dot menu choose remove.