Help with formatting temperature entities in a tabular manner


As a newbie to YAML I would appreciate any help in formatting the output from the code (see below) to display in a tabular manner.

The code currently outputs the values on a line by line basis as follows:
What I would like to do is create a tabular view something like this:

Ideally I would also like to use an alternate colour to indicate when an area status is Heating.

Thanks in advance.

  - type: attribute
    name: Office Set Temp
    attribute: temperature
  - type: attribute
    attribute: current_temperature
    name: Office Actual
  - type: attribute
    attribute: hvac_action
    name: Office Status
  - type: attribute
    entity: climate.lounge
    attribute: temperature
    name: Lounge Set Temp
  - type: attribute
    entity: climate.lounge
    attribute: current_temperature
    name: Lounge Actual
  - type: attribute
    entity: climate.lounge
    attribute: hvac_action
    name: Lounge Status
title: Heating Status
type: entities
state_color: true
show_header_toggle: false

Check out the markdown card, it supports templates. Use a table.

There are some tips on generating a table here:

Many thanks for the pointers - very much appreciated.
After my initial attempt using Markdown I can see why others have reported difficulties - but hopefully it will become a bit clearer if I stick at it.