Help with my Central Heating Timers and automation

The temperature bar is this custom card: Lovelace: Bar Card

The heat set and cool set are just input number helpers I use when automating my thermostat.

How do I tie the schedule helper to the entity I want to control from the entities card? For instance, the T9 thermostat or maybe a light I want to control on a schedule?

With an automation.

  - platform: state
    entity_id: schedule.whatever
    to: 'on'
 (do your thing here)
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This was all a HUGE help!! Thank you!

Hi tom_I

How did you get the temperature bar corners radius? I couldn’t find any examples and card radius seems to be for the outed card corners…

Please can anyone in the know about template icons help me with this. can I add yaml to the UI card to give animated icons for on and off?

type: entities
title: Heating Schedule
  - entity: schedule.central_heating_2
    name: Central Heating status
    icon: blank
  - type: attribute
    entity: schedule.central_heating_2
    name: Next Event (On/Off)
    attribute: next_event
    format: time
  - entity: input_boolean.heating_schedule_off_on
    icon_template: >
        {% if is_state('input_boolean.heating_schedule_off_on', 'on') -%} 
        {%- elif is_state('input_boolean.heating_schedule_off_on', 'off') -%}
        {%- endif %}
state_color: true

This is what I added to the Card editor but needless to say that it doesn’t work to change the icons for on and off

You can’t just go adding whatever options you want. Look at the supported options in the docs. That’s it. And most core cards do not support templates. If you search for “Lovelace templates” you will find a third party solution.

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The scheduler is working perfectly for my Thermostat AND my office lamp. For my thermostat (someone can let me know if there is a more organized way) I created a schedule for ‘daytime’ and a schedule for ‘nighttime’ and I simply told my automation that when the ‘daytime’ schedule turns ‘on’ to set the high and low temperatures where I want (as I input in the action) and then I did the exact same thing with the ‘nighttime’. It is working great!!