Help with new sd card

I need help. I have a RPI3 where the sdcard went south on me. Got me a new card and loaded a fresh copy with balenaEtcher. I get the prep screen where it is trying to get things up and running. It is stuck in a loop. I’m getting something similar to this over and over. I have tried the 32 bit and 64 bit versions with the same results. I am assuming it can’t find the site. Any thoughts on what I can do?

22-05-30 20:35:10 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Updating image to
22-05-30 20:35:10 INFO (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Downloading docker image with tag 2022.5.5.
22-05-30 20:40:46 ERROR (SyncWorker_1) [supervisor.docker.interface] Can't install 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.41/images/create?tag=2022.5.5& Internal Server Error ("Get "": net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)")
22-05-30 20:40:46 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.homeassistant.core] Error on Home Assistant installation. Retry in 30sec

Connect the pi to a network connection that has access to the internet. This is required for the first boot.

It is hooked to the network with an ethernet cable. The device shows on my router.

It can’t reach where it needs to.

I kind of already knew that. Just found this in the log. Could there be a DNS problem? I’m hoping someone can at least point me in the right direction.

22-05-31 18:04:01 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.resolution.checks.base] Run check for IssueType.DNS_SERVER_IPV6_ERROR/ContextType.DNS_SERVER

A gateway issue perhaps? I’m lost

Starting to remember things I did years ago when I first installed it.

The process was a bit more involved back then. If I remember correctly I placed a thumb drive in the rpi on bootup with some network configurations to get everything working.

Am I out of my mind?!?

Looking for old documentation and haven’t found anything yet. Sorry for the rant.

Try disabling IPv6 in your DHCP server unless you specifically use it.

Figured I would just edit last post. My router is showing that it is disabled

It seems I did this in the past to make it work.

How To: Set a Static IP on - Home Assistant OS - Home Assistant Community

I placed the thumb drive in when I first tried to boot and it seemed to work. Could it be that the DNS Server is getting changed in the RPi somehow? As you can tell I don’t completely understand what I’m talking about.

Something is certainly awry between the Pi and the Router.

Unfortunately I don’t have a solution for you but just wanted to let you know that this isn’t it:

Supervisor has a check it runs to make sure the DNS server(s) it’s been provided work correctly. That log line is just telling you that check is running not that it failed. That’s why it’s info level not error level.

I actually am not sure if it is a network connection issue. It says it can’t install the image. I feel like that’s an error I’ve seen before when there isn’t enough space on the drive but that makes no sense on a fresh sdcard.

I assume you have a monitor and keyboard hooked up at this point right? That’s how you’re getting the logs? At the root shell you see try running this command:

docker pull

That command does the same thing supervisor is trying to do. Sometimes running it manually in the cli can give a bit more insight into strange errors. Assuming that does error out as well can you share what it says?

Actually I am logging into it from my laptop.

I decided to take a break for a few days and come back fresh. I will certainly give that a try.

I wanted to report back. After going through all of this I am certain that this is how I dealt with it previously. The fact that it happened to me before and no one else has posted anything about having this issue is a little disturbing. But here is how I got it going.

I followed these instructions and created a thumb drive named CONFIG. With a network folder and a text file named my-network with the following in it.

id=HassOS default

Put it in the usb port of the file and powered up. Github was found and it booted up.

I have no idea why this was needed. However, it worked.