Help with on_boot. Validation fails. Component not found: on_boot


I’m unable to make on_boot work no matter what I do. Even for the copy/paste yaml examples from various websites the validation fails. That seems very strange to me.


Validation fails:

Any ideas on what am I doing wrong?

Thank you

Please read section 11 here:

And why wait for WiFi and then wait for MQTT when MQTT will not be available if WiFi is not?

The red lines also indicate a problem, so reading up on the first red line might be a good idea.

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As a further hint, yaml indentation and ensuring each yaml node is nested under the correct parent node is critical.

Red squiggles indicate errors so no point validating yaml. Search the documentation but on_boot: needs to be under esphome: and then fix your indentation.

Thank you guys for your replies.

It seems I’m relying on chatgpt a bit too much :slight_smile:

I’ve been placing this on_boot code in different places for a while and it does not seem to be working, but now I think I got a breaktrhrough.

  name: soil
  friendly_name: "DIY MORE ESP32 DHT11 Soil Sensor"

# On boot, send an MQTT message and go to deep sleep
    priority: -100  # Execute early in the boot sequence
      - logger.log: "Device booting up..."
      - wait_until:  
          condition:      #  any condition here
          timeout: 8s 
      - wait_until:  
          condition:      #  any condition here
          timeout: 8s 
#      - mqtt.wait_for_connection:  # Wait until MQTT is connected
      - mqtt.publish:
          topic: "my_esp_device/status"
          payload: "Device has booted"
      - delay: 1s  # Ensure the MQTT message is sent before sleeping

  board: esp32dev
    type: arduino

this works nicely.

Thank you very much