Some good ideas which I tired.
Changing the IP did result in an errors in the log that proved the real IP is working fine . These errors were tiemout errors as the snmp sensor was setup with the last result saying No SNMP response received before timeout ,
Putting it back to the real host , those errors disappeared but then replaced by these regarding the OID
2024-09-29 11:09:44.422 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.snmp.sensor] SNMP OID . received type=<class ‘pysnmp.proto.rfc1905.NoSuchObject’> and data
2024-09-29 11:09:44.423 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.snmp.sensor] SNMP error for OID . No Such Object currently exists at this OID
2024-09-29 11:09:44.424 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.sensor] Error adding entity sensor.wd for domain sensor with platform snmp
These clearly point to the OID as the problem in my view.
then I tried two differnet MIB browser to check I was reading leaf nodes and the OID value was correct which both are.
This is what the MIB browser output is of that leaf node
“Name”,“Full Name”,“OID”,“Type”,“Access”,“Indexes”,“MIB Module”,“Description”
.",“DISPLAYSTRING”,“read-only”,“”,“MYCLOUDEX2ULTRA-MIB”,“The temperature of the system.”
All that done , whilst I feel I know the problem now I have no idea how ot fix it.
my config is this
- platform: snmp
name: "WD"
community: public
version: 2c
baseoid: .
unit_of_measurement: '°C'
scan_interval: 30
device_class: 'temperature'
state_class: 'measurement'
do i have anything wrong here such as device or state class
This is giving me a headache …