Help with zone cleaning parameters - Xiaomi vacuum

Is anyone else having this issue - I have a card setup with pause and a start clean button.
service: vacuum.pause & service: vacuum.start

In zone cleaning - pause and then sending vacuum.start works to resume the cleaning where it left off

Now I am using Room/segmented Cleaning and although pause still works - vacuum.start starts a brand new clean house cycle - so current room clean is ignored ? Have tried double pause but it doesn’t work. Any suggestions.

Hi Piotr,

Usage of templates inside params for service vacuum.send_command is something i was looking for some time now. Your script seems to be an answer for my need. Point is, that it works only for zone cleaning while I’m using app_segment_clean where each specific room is defined as a number - see below. Would it be possible for you to adjust you script for such configuration? What I need as an input for params is a list of specific numbers. I would appreciate your support! Thanks!



My script is already adjusted to support app_segment_clean, but links to GitHub are altered by this forum to point to a version that is latest at the time of posting, so you just have to go to the latest version of the file to find features you need :wink:


Thanks for feedback! I have found it, but it seems to be too complicated for me as a newbie. I have no idea how my template should look like to generate proper input for params.
I was trying with below, but no success:

  command: app_segment_clean
  entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
  params: '    
  {% if is_state("input_boolean.kuchnia", "on")  -%} 20 {%- endif %}    
  {% if is_state("", "on")  -%} 16 {%- endif %}    
  {% if is_state("input_boolean.korytarz", "on")  -%} 19 {%- endif -%}    
  {% if is_state("input_boolean.pokoj_leny", "on")  -%} 17 {%- endif %}    
  {% if is_state("input_boolean.lazienka", "on")  -%} 21 {%- endif %}    
  {% if is_state("input_boolean.sypialnia", "on")  -%} 18 {%- endif %}'

Try something like this:

  command: app_segment_clean
  entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
  params: >
    {% if is_state("input_boolean.kuchnia", "on")  -%} 20 {%- endif %}    
    {% if is_state("", "on")  -%} 16 {%- endif %}    
    {% if is_state("input_boolean.korytarz", "on")  -%} 19 {%- endif -%}    
    {% if is_state("input_boolean.pokoj_leny", "on")  -%} 17 {%- endif %}    
    {% if is_state("input_boolean.lazienka", "on")  -%} 21 {%- endif %}    
    {% if is_state("input_boolean.sypialnia", "on")  -%} 18 {%- endif %}

Nope, still nothing. When pasting it into HA templates seems to be OK, but there is an empty line created when some of the rooms are omitted - see below. Could it be the issue? Is your python script designed to work with such formatted data as an input?

Ok, I have the ultimate solution (in my opinion):

  1. Add attribute room_number for all your input_booleans (documentation):
          room_number: 20
          room_number: 16
          room_number: 19
          room_number: 17
          room_number: 21
          room_number: 18
  2. Create a group with all input_numbers:
          - input_boolean.kuchnia
          - input_boolean.korytarz
          - input_boolean.pokoj_leny
          - input_boolean.lazienka
          - input_boolean.sypialnia
  3. Use the following code in your script/automation:
    - service: python_script.vacuum_send_command
        command: app_segment_clean
        entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
        params: "{{ 'group.room_input_booleans' | expand | selectattr('state', 'equalto', 'on') | map(attribute='attributes.room_number') | list }}"

If you don’t like this approach, you can do everything directly in a script:

- service: python_script.vacuum_send_command
    command: app_segment_clean
    entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
    params: >
      {%- set room_numbers = {
        'input_boolean.kuchnia': 20,
        '': 16,
        'input_boolean.korytarz': 19,
        'input_boolean.pokoj_leny': 17,
        'input_boolean.lazienka': 21,
        'input_boolean.sypialnia': 18,
      } -%}
      [{%- for room_name in room_numbers | expand | selectattr('state', 'equalto', 'on') | map(attribute='entity_id') | list -%}
      {{ room_numbers[room_name] }}
      {%- if not loop.last %},{% endif -%}
      {%- endfor -%}]
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Currently, whats the easiest way to start a Zoned Cleanup with Valetudo?

I have my zones configurd on my robot, in the past this would work:

service: vacuum.send_command
entity_id: vacuum.pitbull
  command: zoned_cleanup
      - kitchen

I can trigger it without error but the vacuum does not move. Help please!

The entity_id has to be inside the data area.

Hm, I tried with:

service: vacuum.send_command
  entity_id: vacuum.pitbull
  command: zoned_cleanup
      - kitchen

and (like HA suggests with sample data)

service: vacuum.send_command
  entity_id: vacuum.pitbull
  command: zoned_cleanup
    zone_ids: kitchen

Does not work. What is wrong?

Something is no yes :wink: I have followed all steps:

  1. python script created:
entity_id = data.get('entity_id')
command = data.get('command')
params = str(data.get('params'))
parsedParams = []

for z in params.replace(' ', '').replace('],[', '|').replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split('|'):
    rect = []
    for c in z.split(','):

if command in  ["app_segment_clean"]:
    parsedParams = parsedParams[0]'vacuum', 'send_command',
                   {'entity_id': entity_id, 'command': command, 'params': parsedParams}, True)
  1. groups created:
      - input_boolean.kuchnia
      - input_boolean.korytarz
      - input_boolean.pokoj_leny
      - input_boolean.lazienka
      - input_boolean.sypialnia  
  1. New attribute for input_boolean created:
editable: true
friendly_name: Korytarz
icon: 'mdi:wall'
room_number: 19
  1. Automation created:
- id: '1600287204887'
  alias: odkurzanie_selektywne
  description: ''
  - entity_id: input_boolean.slij_mariusza
    from: 'off'
    platform: state
    to: 'on'
  condition: []
  - data_template:
       command: app_segment_clean
       entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
       params: "{{ ''group.room_input_booleans'' | expand | selectattr(''state'', ''equalto'', ''on'') | map(attribute=''attributes.room_number'') | list }"
    service: python_script.vacuum_send_command
  - delay: 00:00:05
  - data: {}
    entity_id: input_boolean.slij_mariusza
    service: input_boolean.turn_off
  mode: single

And got an error when checking configuration:

  Invalid config for [automation]: invalid template (TemplateAssertionError: no filter named 'expand') for dictionary value @ data['action'][0]['data_template']['params']. Got None. (See /config/configuration.yaml, line 155). 

Any idea what went wrong?

I am not sue if quotes in params are correct…
Try something like this:

  - data_template:
       command: app_segment_clean
       entity_id: vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum_cleaner
       params: "{{ 'group.room_input_booleans' | expand | selectattr('state', 'equalto', 'on') | map(attribute='attributes.room_number') | list }"

Problem solved!

I have pasted an error into google and it guided me to:

I’m not that good with coding but idea to use expand ('group.room_input_booleans') instead of 'group.room_input_booleans' | expand | is solving the issue. My automation is now working. Thanks for your effort @3_14( Piotr) :slight_smile: You are my HERO! :wink:

@EdwardEnglish where you able to solve this issue?
I am trying to corner the issue piece by piece. First I wanted to see if vacuum.send_command is working correctly. If I use Developer Tools to call a service.
vacuum.start for example works perfectly fine.
Shouldn’t I get the same result using

service vacuum.send_command
entity_id: vacuum.rockrobo
command: start

Happy for any input.

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Unfortunately not…never found the time to give it more tries. But if anybody ever finds a solution please post it!

Have a look here, I solved it using the new 0.117 template as list feature and can send it directly to the vacuum without using any python script at all.

And also in 0.118 with Native types support for templates

Do you mind sharing the final code for this please?

I have tried using the python script method but get the following error:

 File "", line 9, in <module>
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: "'19'"

Seems like an issue with the room_number attribute, which I can confirm exists for the room I am trying to clean.

Ignore, got it to work by mapping to integers first.

here is the code, seems to work well now!

    - service: python_script.vacuum_send_command
        command: app_segment_clean
        entity_id: vacuum.robomac
        params: "{{ expand('group.vc_rooms') | selectattr('state', 'equalto', 'on') | map(attribute='attributes.room_number') | map('int') | list }}"

With the latest valetudo update it broke my vacuum.send_command stuff but I was able to get it working using MQTT publish like so.

service: mqtt.publish
    topic: valetudo/robovacDown/MapSegmentationCapability/clean/set
    payload: '20'

One thing I’ve not been able to figure out yet is how to provide a payload of multiple segments to be cleaned though. Say like payload: ['20', '21', '22'].

EDIT: Figured it out. 2021.06 - Home Assistant segment clean help · Discussion #989 · Hypfer/Valetudo · GitHub