Help with zone cleaning parameters - Xiaomi vacuum

Yes. You have to copy ti tour /config/custom_components/vacuum/ folder and restare HA

That’s what I did, but it gave an error. Can you view the automation code?

Check your config with my pagkage:

Thank you. I’ll check later, I’m at work

Ok, I took the code and rebuilt (including translation) for my convenience - a picture attached. I try to figure out how to operate the robot to access the area - for example the kitchen

I get the following error I go into to select my zone

## Log Details (WARNING)

Not passing an entity ID to a service to target all entities is deprecated. Use instead: entity_id: "all"

He does not find the vacuum.xiaomi_clean_zone. I added your py file here:

Here is my code:

Looks amazing @Abeksis. Mind sharing how you made that?

You’ll find everything in my github

same problem how to fix it?

which problem? could you explain it?

Same problem like what abeksis write:
He does not find the vacuum.xiaomi_clean_zone

Look at all files on github abeksis please.

after copy in custom_components/vacuum folder, have you restarted HA?
Try to start service with http://yourip:8123/dev-service


Yes, I tried it before I turned to you - I get an error. Look at the picture - down the message.

you must set parameters like this:
“entity_id”: “vacuum.xiaomi_vacuum”,

That’s what I did - you can see here

Invalid JSON

you must use straight unformatted quotes…

"entity_id" : "vacuum.vacuum",
"repeats" : "2",
"zone": [[23759,28427,28559,31677]]

sorry, no quotes in parameters zone and put your entity_id…