Heos Group support

Wow! Didn’t check this topic for a while but this sounds amazing. I’ll have a look at it and install it later tonight to do some testing as well! Will report back.

Thanks for your time invested in this! :+1:

Installed and tested! Works perfectly! Thanks again, one of the best additions to HA in a long time for me. I can’t find it in the mini media player documentation, but would there be any way to make the volume slider set the volume for the whole group, and not only the master speaker?

Sorry for the question above. I wasn’t awake when I was reading the mini player documentation. It’s clearly in there: sync_volume: true

Hi Bjørn,

Sorry for my late reply. Did it work well then with the mini media player? I guess it should be possible to implement it directly for the HEOS as well, at least the Group class of pyheos has a volume variable and methods. In the original app, I guess the default is group volume and then there is a “…” to adjust each separate speaker. In this respect, I think I agree that the default could be on group level also in home assistant (but then again, how to adjust each separately?).

Keep in mind this is just a “hack” from my side, I don’t really feel comfortable with suggesting it as an official change since I believe there are too much funny code inside. Still learning :slight_smile:

Yeah it worked well. No problems whatsoever. I use the mini media card mostly to just show the coverart and for the fancy look. To control the volume I use a zigbee remote connected to deconz. Whenever a button is pressed for volume it sends a +0.02 to every speaker. This works in my situation because I listen to the same music on all my speakers. Otherwise with different groups this wouldn’t work. There is no lag in volume change between the speakers although it are 4 different commands.

But it would be nice if it would be possible to send a volume command to a specific group or the master of that group changing the volume on all speakers in that group.

Also, if you are coding anyhow, I have two speakers I often pair in stereo, but when I take one with me outside, I pair them separately. I don’t think it will be possible to do this with HA, but you can always ask :wink:

Don’t be to worried about your code. It works flawlessly and that is all code should do! Thanks again!

Wow had to try this :smiley: this is one last feature i really missed! Thanks!

Works like a charm! Great work!!!
Heos group play

One Problem i encountered is i cant turn off my Denon Reciever anymore with Media player stop / media player turn off!

Ops, yeah, seems like I was overwriting the stop command with my need for power off / turn off. I commented out this line in the code now and seems like both features (stop and power off) are still working. So see if it is better on your end as well with the new code.

edit: just as a side note; I am using the play/pause option of the mini media card, and the power button to turn off (stop). That’s why I didn’t test the “real” stop button, but I also like the ability to pause instead of stopping :slight_smile:

Antother problem i encountered: if i make a group my denon reciever didnt start anymore! If i ungroup all and i press play or a station it starts immediately!

Hi! That sounds strange. Could you provide some details from the logger?

Hi @tormagj, when I reboot hassio, the heos_group seems to be incorrect on all my heos devices. When I regroup them, everything is correct again.


heos_group: ,media_player.speaker1,media_player.speaker2


heos_group: ,,


Since the 0.104 update, heos integration didn’t work anymore.
Is it the same fir you?

@stban1983 it seems to loose track of switching inputs for me when I moved from 103.5 to 103.6 using HassIO.
I had it playing the same streaming song after I switched to an hdmi input.

A restart of HA does seem to make things better though, it switched to hdmi now.
Might solve your problems.

Hi guys! See the updated repo with a fix for v0.104:

Seems to be some general updates to the built-in HEOS referenced in these commits:

Test now if you feel like it, it’s working on my side now after updated to v0.104.

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Looks like you’re right about that. I didn’t notice before I added the binary_sensors that you proposed in the mini-media-card thread. For some reason it doesn’t seem to update, although I don’t notice any strange behaviour on my parallell version without the binary switches.

I’ll have a closer look when I find some available time! Probably some minor stuff there.

Seems to work again! Thanks a lot @tormagj!

Yes it’s working!
Thank you @tormagj!

Its working with the new update thanks. But unfortunately the denon reciever (with heos) didnt start in group play mode. The 2 other Heos HS1 work great. It looks like this but its off: Unbenannt

@tormagj Any plans on sending a PR to Home Assistant Core?

Hi direx! I guess I should, but I didn’t have too much time lately, and I don’t know very well how to do it and all the rules to follow (afraid of the big wolves). If someone already has this knowledge and care to propose my solution or a modified one, I would definitely not be offended :slight_smile: Go ahead. Otherwise, I’ll see if I can study the process and do it sometime as well.