Hide all automations from Home tab

Is it possible to hide all automations from the Home tab?
I have all automations in a seperate tab and would like to hide them from the default home tab.

There is no way to hide anything from the home tab without hiding them completely from all tabs. This is unfortunate and has been the basis of many feature requests…

Okay but when I include a sensor in a Group it dissapears from the home tab.

My automations are not on my home tab??? Do we mean something different by home tab?

In my group yaml file on the devices view (tab) I have this setup:

  name: Lights & Switches
  view: yes
  icon: mdi:power
  control: hidden
    - group.light
    - group.switch
    - group.all_automations
    - group.scenes

And that is the only tab my automations appear on…

If you mean the default View

I dont think you can
well you can by adding it to your custom.yaml file
in it you put

  hidden: true

BUT if you Name a group default_view then they will hide


    name: house
    view: true
    icon: mdi:home-assistant
      - group.main_office
      - group.Garage
      - group.HotWatercupboard
      - group.washing_machine
      - weather.bell_block

and by doing @DavidFW1960 Grouping it will work

also you should read

I guess it is necassary to create a default_view Group.

I think that’s right. I have a default view

Only problem with default view u don’t see the missing sensor that are not in a group

But there are scripts in here to put them into a group

Yes and that is a bugger for sure.

we’ve made a script for that

and for Ghosts :wink: