High CPU load hassio_dns Container

can’t say I am in real trouble, but indeed now and then see those higher spikes.

Ive just checked and indeed, fallback: true is returned

would it be safe to disabled that point blank? Or, put differently, would it be helpful at all, tbh, I can not really find anything wrong in the DNS logs, only showing lines like

[INFO][port] - [1234] "A IN wlp3s0.local.hass.io. udp 38 false 512" NXDOMAIN qr,aa,rd 38 0.000170954s

This functionality was apparently introduced by the devs as an important part of the issues logged were linked to DNS issues.
It does introduce issues for those of us who have more advanced DNS mgnt, and worse than that, it introduces a mechanism to make all HA-related DNS queries go to a source that might not be the one that the user want or even knows about.
For this reason, I strongly feel that this should be looked at again.

On your question: you can safely set fallback to false. Worst case, you can easily set it to true if you would face issues. But imho, all you will face is less cpu load and more user control.