High CPU usage after upgrade to 2023.4.0

Is it safe to reboot when it is in this many hours long lasting post-migration step? I don’t want to break anything.

Install Glances as suggested above. I did that and found the culprit was one of the addon, namely sponsorblockcast, which was using 35% of CPU.

After removing, its back to normal.

Glances is available as an addon.

Edit: Also in the screenshot glances is using a lot of CPU, bu its just for the initial few seconds.

in my case help to remove mariadb - comment it in config restart - uninstall mariadb, install again and configure, uncoment in config and restart ha - after this from ~50% cpu I went down to 25-30%.

Tried uninstalling Maria DB and reinstalling. No luck. CPU still 35+% vs about 13-20% before

The CPU issue is back on 2023.4.6. the work around dint fix it… no idea how to fix it now .
I am stuck at 4.1 now…

I have similar issue with 2023.7.0. I have noticed that over the past few days, the graphs on my dashboard remain flat after a few hours into the backup process. Additionally, I have observed that the MariaDB component is utilizing more than 90% of the CPU. I’m also observing that the data on the graphs is being updated if I allow it to display for a moment. However, it seems that the data is not being stored in the database. When I refresh the graph, it displays a flat line and starts updating the data from that point onward.


Same graph but after refresh the page:

After a reboot, everything returns to normal. However, data from this occurrence is not saved in the database, resulting in flat lines on the graphs. Data is started to being stored after the reboot. But The issue happens again after the backup process start again.

This last time I haven’t rebooted it. I’ts been more than 24% and the CPU is at 95% and MariaDB is using around 90%.

Did you get this solved or is your cpu usage back to normal on its own?

After upgrading to 2023.10.0 I have MariaDB using two (of twelve) cores all the time - for weeks now. DB is @17GB (keep_days 400) and it seems nothing gets recorded since the update (all history is flat until you leave the popup open, then stats are pouring in; being gone after closing the graph).

How can I check what MariaDB is doing behind the scenes?

no really, I just wiped my server and installed again, then restore it with a back up.

2023.4 update made my load increase like crazy. After restarting HA it takes only few minutes and it is up again. System VERY slow and laggy, close to completely unusable.

Details: 2023.4: Custom template macros, and many more new entity dialogs! - #620 by e-raser

Any ideas? Database tasks should be finished already, it’s been almost 6 hours now since updating…! Makes me totally crazy :frowning:

edit: updated the linked post, seems to be resolved (hopefully).

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