Hisense TV Control

I was curious if anyone might be able to explain the issues with turning the TV back on again. My understanding was the MQTT broker must turn off with the TV; however, I found that the RemoteNOW app has no issues turning the TV back on again if the TV if off. Doesn’t anyone know why this might be the case and why this integration can’t use the “KEY_POWER” like it does to turn it off?

The app uses wake on lan magic packet to wake up the TV. This is sent to the mac address of your TV (make sure you use the correct mac address (e.g wifi mac address of tv if using wifi or lan mac address if cabled).

See first couple of posts of this thread on how to configure it. Below is a snippet.

  - platform: wake_on_lan
    name: "theatre_tv_on"
    mac_address: "40-cd-XX-XX-XX-XX"

Thanks @K-1, I should have read over the thread again, been a while since I read it from the start. For some reason I thought people were using WOL to a device connected to the TV, but that is good to hear you to use WOL to the TV’s MAC address! Myself, I am learning what I can here to apply to a shell script to be called by a Homebridge plug-in. So I will try to replicate that in a shell script then :slight_smile: thanks again for the info!

How I can add this line?


Im a newby. Any step by step instructions on how to get it set up with home assistant? Im not much of programmer at all.

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Hello all
I have a trouble with 65A7500F and Vidda 4

I save certificate in one file
openssl s_client -host -port 36669 -prexit -showcerts

Try connect with MQTT Explorer, or Nodered, or make bridge in mosqutto.
But connect error

Hisense.crt file contains…

… many symbols…

… many symbols…

mosquitto.conf contains…

connection hisensemqtt
username hisenseservice
password multimqttservice
cleansession false
clientid hisenseservice
try_private false
start_type automatic
bridge_cafile /mosquitto/config/hisense.crt
tls_version tlsv1.2
bridge_insecure false
topic # both

Whats the error message?

and in mosquitto
1602145477: Connecting bridge hisensemqtt (
1602145477: Error: host name verification failed.
1602145477: OpenSSL Error[0]: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:ce
rtificate verify failed
1602145477: Socket error on client local.hisenseservice, disconnecting.

try setting bridge_insecure to true

not helping

1602146419: Connecting bridge hisensemqtt (
1602146419: OpenSSL Error[0]: error:14094410:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert handshake failure
1602146419: Socket error on client local.hisenseservice, disconnecting.

Maybe hisense changed something in Vidaa 4?

I highly doubt it. There seems to be an issue with the TLS handshake. Can you try remove tls_version tlsv1.2 from the configuration and see if that helps

also can you try connect to the TV with mqtt Explorer and see if you see if its works?

also make sure the filename is correct: bridge_cafile /mosquitto/config/hisense.crt - Double check you dont have Hisense.crt but is hisense.crt (in linux thats a different file and is case sensitive)

Delete tls_version tlsv1.2 not helping
MQTT Explorer don’t connect to TV

name of certificate right

Try getting the certificates from the TV again and resave the certificate using this command without the -prexit

openssl s_client -host -port 36669 -showcerts

Ok, can you show example crt file?
maybe I save wrong )

Unfortunately I cant as my hisense tv is older and doesnt have TLS enabled. try the command above and just save all the output to a file. Unless someone else here can share the certificate.

its a correct structure of file?
Or something needed ?

…many symbols and lines…

…many symbols and lines…

Yes thats looks correct.

Also please try this setting as well

bridge_tls_version tlsv1.2

1602149302: OpenSSL Error[0]: error:1416F086:SSL routines:tls_process_server_certificate:certificate verify failed