I have a history-graph card which I used to show the temperature from two Visonic sensors. Works great, there’s a two-line graph showing temperature for the past 24 hours.
I was playing with the scrape sensor, and was able to scrape the outdoor temperature from a web site my weather station is hooked up to. So I added that, exactly the same way, using the same format:
Might need to purge or fully delete your database after you make a change like this. The DB will still treat the new values as a string if it thinks it should be a string.
I actually changed the name. It was “home_temp”, now "WU_temp, as shown above. I figured that would be a new entity, so it wouldn’t carry over any old formatting from when it was a string.
Admittedly, I know nothing about the database. How would I purge this value?
I deleted the HA database, then added unit_of_measurement: "°F"
to the scrape platform definition.
Now I’m getting line graphs, instead of that bar. This is good, but there were still two different graphs in the card.
I noticed the other two thermometers were set to “degrees” instead of “°F.” I made them al lthe same.
Success! All three entities had to use the same unit of measurement. Since I deleted the database, I’ve only got a few minutes’ worth of data so far, but this is how I wanted it to look: