History since 0.39 (also in 0.40 / 0.41 / 0.42 / 0.43.1)

Hi there,

since 0.39 the bars and graphs show only untill last change. If there’s no change it shows nothing.

  • The devices show one time home(red) the other time as blue.
  • If i select “3 days”, i have to press me browsers reload button, after this it reverts back to “1 day”
  • Missing the Reload button at the top of the page.

Has anyone else this issue, or is this my problem?

Thanks for reading!


I am seeing the same issue - including on cards showing history also.

I am on version 0.40.0

delete home-assistant_v2.db

Same in 0.41.
New issues:

  • History and Logbook start with yesterdays data.
  • Date Picker shows 3 Months in the future. (History?)
  • Overlay in Input select

Same problem here in 0.41.0
Plus loading real slow, on my mobile phone I even get a warning if I like to abort the running task, so slow.

This should be an issue by itself.


In 0.42.2 it’s impossible to see todays data.
History starts with yesterday, if you pick another date -> no update

In 0.43 after picking current day the date loads, but the history is already a little crazy.

Mine looks OK - whats crazy about the history ?

I have the same problem… only yesterdays data showing

Just looked at the states data in detail. Think there has been a change the way things are reported for the current day. I thought in the past the view showed data from midnight only but now I am seeing the last 24 hours. This might be what @VDRainer is referring to. My data looks correct if you consider this change. Other days also look sane.

I am still only able to see the data for the last 24 hours. When choosing another day there is no change.

I’m pretty sure everyone is in the same boat. I think everyone is used to it now as broken being the way it’s supposed to work :slight_smile:

I’m so happy! :heart_eyes:
0.43.2 fixed most of the issues here.
History and Logbook start today and the graphs show proper times, that`s what i needed.
For me this is solved.