Hive heating and smart TRV set up

Fairy new to HA so looking for a bit of guidance on what I’m trying to achieve with my heating. This is all running from a RPi 4 B with HAOS.

I have a Hive heating setup with a boiler and I want to add smart TRVs into it. I want to give each of my rooms a heating setpoint to maintain when the heating is scheduled to be on, as currently my thermostat is located in the living room and other rooms in the house overshoot in temperature, which is wasting energy. I want rooms that are warm enough to close their TRV whilst the rest continue to operate, ideally using something like a Sonoff temperature sensor located on the wall at body height.

I do not have any smart TRVs yet, but was looking at the Sandy Beach Zigbee ones along with the Zigbee 3.0 dongle, but am completely open to any other suggestions.

Interested in what other people have done to incorporate this, as well other features like boosting heating to individual rooms.

I’ve been using Hive TRVs for some time.
I’m extremely new to HA but have been amazed at how flexible the integration of Hive is.
Have a look at this post Humbug modes for Hive heating entities? - #9 by gwatuk.
I’d be happy to help you further if I can. :slightly_smiling_face: