Hive is ending support for online web dashboard June 1 2024 in UK (and IFTTT)

  1. Ensure your Hive is linked to its hub per the normal Hive setup.
  2. Add the official Hive integration to HA.

Everything will then be available in HA.

You need to do some research on this. I am not the best one to explain it but, super simplistically:

  • The dongle is a piece of hardware that has a Zigbee radio in it (it can talk to Zigbee devices). I use the Sonoff Dongle-P but there are others.
  • MQTT is a messaging protocol that HA can use. It’s an integration that you can install. Its advantage is that it queues messages so none get lost (esp. if there are many messages at once).
  • Zigbee2MQTT (Z2M for short) is a broker that translates MQTT and Zigbee messages between HA and the dongle. If you are using HAOS, this is an add-on. If you are running HA container (as I am) you create a Z2M container and configure it for HA.

I hope that makes sense but, if this is all new to you, there will be learning curve and perhaps using the Hive hub is the easiest way to go for an immediate solution.

Thanks for taking the time to explain.
Yes a lot of this is completely new.
So I’m I able to use my current Hive Hub.
Then how do i control the Hive hub and and put the automations?
Is this with home assistant? Do you need to pay a sub and do I need any hardware to make this work? Thank you

Are you currently using HA?

No I am not. Why is that?

I’m trying to understand your knowledge - your last answer implied you didn’t really understand what Ha does and how it works so I was checking.

This is now way off topic for this thread but, in a nutshell, you can control your Hive with HA and create automations for it etc. Let’s move our discussion to the other thread you started.

No worries. I’ve answered in my post. Thanks

Is there a link anyone can post that gives an idiot’s guide as to what I need to do, using a Raspberry Pi and let me continue to use HA to control my central heating? Thanks

I’d forgotten about this. Mine looks like it’s still controllable from within HA