HKWL-MS03W motion sensor with Tasmota

Hi everyone, I’ve been tinkering with these HKWL-MS03W’s for a few days.

@jssting and @The_DuFF - do you mind giving a bit of an explanation of the differences between Tamper Switch, Reed Switch and Reed Switch Multitrigger? I’m trying to do some mucking about, but I honestly don’t have an idea what those different things are - I had assume it was one switch

I haven’t worked out the tamper switch option.
Normally a tamper switch would be a detection of the cover being removed or similar.
If you have a look at @zacnut 's photo of the senor 12/2019 - At 5 oclock there is an SMD labled SW1.
I was thinking this might be a reed switch, (sensitive to a magnet) - but it is not.
@jssting - can you please advise how you managed to get tamper to trigger?

From what I was able to get traced, there is only one switch directly on the ESP side, the reset switch. The other switches are on the MCU side and only sends through a triggers as a serial stream when the device is moved or motion is triggered. I was able to look at the streams to see which streams are sent in alignment with specific events

Hi @jssting could you tell me if i can run the sensor while plugged in?

Thank You

The sensor runs fine with USB connected.

Thank you i must have something wrong in the config or something. i am new to this.
My sensor has a toggle button in the config as if its acting as a switch?

How are people finding the battery life on this thing? I’m still playing around with its config a bit but so far the battery seemed to not last long at all, maybe a week.
I have a hue sensor that I put up outside probably 2 years ago now and still seems to have plenty somehow.

Your mileage may very due to the traffic in the area. Mine lasted about a month initially, but that included playing around with the device a lot. I have actually got some rechargeable batteries and a charger from Ebay for $20, which last around a month but mine is in a high traffic area.

Can you provide an example how your matching the mqtt messages that are received when motion is detected? I have my genio motion sensor successfully flashed and can see the data being sent to HA. My goal is to turn a light on for 2 minutes when motion is detected. Thanks for any help :slight_smile:

I basically use the fact that the MQTT Message comes through as the indicator of motion.
my trigger is as follows:

platform: mqtt
topic: GenioPIR/tele/PirSensor

I also do this only if it’s after 6:30 pm and before 10:30 pm and if the light is not already on… my conditions are as follow:

condition: and
  - condition: state
    entity_id: switch.detadgplug2_porchlightsw
    state: 'off'
  - after: '22:30:00'
    before: '06:30:00'
    condition: time

then I purely do a call to switch the light on, add a 2 minute delay as the next action, then call the service to turn the light off…

I’ve actually had mine running on the same set of batteries for over 4 months now, and it’s at the front door so it get a lot of action.

Hi Dormani,
I have taken a different approach with my sensor. I have basically decided that any triggering would constitute movement, so I updated my Tasmota rule to just publish “sensor_Triggered” (regardless of the reason for triggering) and added a off delay on my sensor. My sensor config below:

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: "GenioPIR/tele/PirSensor"
  device_class: motion
  name: "External Entry PIR Sensor"
  off_delay: 20
  value_template: >-
    {% if value == 'sensor_Triggered' %}
    {% else %}
    {% endif %}

This means the sensor will trigger and then automatically reset state after 20 seconds.

Hi, i got one of these, flashed with tasmota using tuya convert

followed the template here, but i dont see to get anything back in the console, i just see over and over

00:05:22 WIF: Checking connection...
00:05:42 WIF: Checking connection...
00:06:02 WIF: Checking connection...

I have a few tuyaMCU devices in my house working well, but this one just does not appear to output any messages

Any tips on how to get it to flash over tuya convert. i dont get mine to bite.
I get sending
smartconfig complete
then resending smartconfig packets
a bunch of stars
and then back to smartconfig complete.

could this be bacuse of the firmware update tuya sent out. is there a way of checking if the device have been updated. it have been connected to their cloud before?