Home and Vehicle Maintenance Integration

I am thinking of writing a custom integration to consolidate all home and vehicle maintenance items. I am thinking of following types of features:


  • Record new HVAC filter installation, set due date
  • Record HVAC tuning and set due date for the next one


  • Record tire rotation and set due date
  • Record oil change and set due date

I couldn’t find any integration that can do things like these. Do you have any such need? If yes, what else would you like to have as features?

If there is a strong enough need, I can create a custom integration.

What about the Grocy add-on? It can handle those things already.

Or just the local calendar, it’s what I use to remind me of regular maintenance.

You have stated you are writing a custom Integration, that is assuming you don’t take in the suggestions from others of another way to do this. Therefore this is not a feature request.
Please read the pinned post for further information…

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Looks like add-ons are not for HA docker installations. :frowning:

Thanks for sharing. This would work.