Home Assistant 0.115.0 - Kodi Integration

Hi, I just deleted the kodi references inside media_player.yaml to use the new Kodi integration, but now… how can I configure it to perform a System.Sutdown when I press the power button inside the Card?

Before the integration I used this piece of code:

      service: kodi.call_method
        entity_id: media_player.kodi
        method: System.Shutdown

But now?

Thx a lot

same situation for me. Any news?

You either have to use a script:

Or a (shudder) device automation.

thank you. I don’t understand why there is no power button in the media player card. for me it was very comfortable

There’s already a PR merged to fix that. Will probably be in the next dot release. (It was a mistake).

Super clear, thank you again

Actually I must have misread something somewhere (or misremembered). There is an issue open but it has not been fixed yet:

missing power button kind of needing it

The power button is available on the custom mini-media player.

never been able to get custom cards to work on my system
just want the power button back on the media player card

Then all you can do is wait patiently for it to be fixed.

If you want to open another topic about this I’m sure someone could help:

3 new problems with Kodi integration (HA 115.6):

  1. the device does not turn on with the command from the card: in the integration from .yaml I had WOL, how can you fix it?
  2. when HA restarts, if the kodi device is turned off, the entity is “unavailable”
  3. if the device is on but inactive after a few minutes the status changes to off but the device has only remained inactive.
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