Home Assistant and Paradox Alarm Panels

From what I understand, Paradox doesn’t allow downgrade after upgrading to 4.1. It’s really frustrating. I had to replace my unit IP150 due to lightning damage and worked with the supplier to find old stock in the warehouse that was still on the earlier firmwares.

I’m not sure whether once you’ve paid the subscription to Paradox, 4.1 begins working with the plugins etc. Apparently the subscription and the app unlock it for use with Babyware. Presumably there may be a connection but I wasn’t going to spend dollars on trying…

Hi Ross_Saunders

OK, I’ve finally had a chance to get this integration done. Im no python expert, actually quite the opposite. I hope you can assist with some probably basic questions.

I downloaded the latest version of the IP150-MQTTv2.py and all the files, and I have it running, but I havent made the changes in the “IP150-MQTTv2.py” file yet. The changes you’ve made to line 515, I would like to copy, but really not sure on this step.

Im using Notepad++, and this is the existing line515, I have not yet added the global variable.

Im hoping you can assist, as I dont really understand the code.

Will appreciate any assistance


The code may have changed a bit then. Basically if I recall (I’m on a new PC now and don’t have the code in front of me) you’ll need to find the line below and expand it with the code I posted earlier.

reply = “Event:” + event + “;SubEvent:” + subevent

1 Like

Thank you. Will have a look and try a few things. Much appreciated.

@Ross_Saunders. Thank you!!

I finally have zones coming into HA, and can see the armed, disarmed states…I still need to get the logic right for my install, but the two are communicating.

Really appreciate your posts and assistance.

Best regards

Pleasure! Your HA will still complain bitterly about the unrecognised codes though, haven’t figured out how to not send anything if it’s not the HA recognised codes. For some reason it just sends “.”

To get rid of the unwanted messages and working in HA I changed IP150-MQTTv2.py to output a Home-Asssistant compatible topic… its been working 90% for about two months now - they only thing I havent don’t done is the event when the alarm is triggered. (basically removing timestamps)

I added the topic below for the Alarm State messages in HA compatible format

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OK guys.

I managed to get the armed_home state to come through to to HA, and the disarmed state. BUT… I cannot get the armed_away state to come through. It seems that the armed state is also active when using the stay or sleep mode. Do you think this could be related to the way my alarm system is programmed? Any pointers will be appreciated, else I can get the alarm company in to see if they can program one of the states in non-reportable to be active only when in armed_away state.

Will start looking at the logging and once I have this sorted.


Have a look at the script I posted above, anywhere where a #BW is where I changed code.

If I recall correctly, the original script doesn’t publish the events in a format HA accepts.

Also - I did pick up the events come through a bit out of sequence sometimes from the panel/script… e.g. Arming Stay would come through as ARMED them ARMED_STAY… and infrequently it would reverse that order, even though the actual panel armed correctly, HA would report it incorrectly.

I think that is whats happening with mine. Will investigate further this evening, and also look at your script.

Much appreciated!!

Good morning, I’m trying all kinds of ways to make the system work, but I’m not capable.

I followed all the steps, but without. success.

I’m working with raspbian and has no docker

any help would be great

homeassistant@Jarvis : ~/.homeassistant/paradox/ParadoxIP150v2-master $ python IP150-MQTTv2.py

logging to file /var/log/paradoxip.log

reading config

INFO:root:logging complete

2018-10-26 15:06:33,603 INFO logging complete


2018-10-26 15:06:33,604 ERROR test

INFO:root:config.ini file read successfully: 0

2018-10-26 15:06:33,606 INFO config.ini file read successfully: 0

config read

INFO:root:State01:Attempting connection to MQTT Broker:

2018-10-26 15:06:33,606 INFO State01:Attempting connection to MQTT Broker:

INFO:root:Connected to MQTT broker with result code 5

2018-10-26 15:06:33,611 INFO Connected to MQTT broker with result code 5

INFO:root:State01:MQTT client subscribed to control messages on topic: Paradox/C/#

2018-10-26 15:06:33,612 INFO State01:MQTT client subscribed to control messages on topic: Paradox/C/#

INFO:root:State02:Connecting to IP Module

2018-10-26 15:06:33,613 INFO State02:Connecting to IP Module

trying to connect

INFO:root:Connecting to

2018-10-26 15:06:33,614 INFO Connecting to


INFO:root:Logging into alarm system…

2018-10-26 15:06:33,617 INFO Logging into alarm system…

INFO:root:Login to alarm panel successful

2018-10-26 15:06:33,868 INFO Login to alarm panel successful

INFO:root:Connected to MQTT broker with result code 5

2018-10-26 15:06:34,617 INFO Connected to MQTT broker with result code 5

INFO:root:Connected to MQTT broker with result code 5

2018-10-26 15:06:35,622 INFO Connected to MQTT broker with result code 5

INFO:root:State02: Logged into IP modeule successfully

2018-10-26 15:06:35,875 INFO State02: Logged into IP modeule successfully

INFO:root:State03:Listening for events…

2018-10-26 15:06:35,876 INFO State03:Listening for events…

INFO:root:Connected to MQTT broker with result code 5

2018-10-26 15:06:36,626 INFO Connected to MQTT broker with result code 5

INFO:root:Connected to MQTT broker with result code 5

2018-10-26 15:06:37,631 INFO Connected to MQTT broker with result code 5

Hi everyone

Really hoping for some guidance here.
I have got ParadoxIP150v2 working with my Mosquitto MQTT broker and I can subscribe to the various topics in the documentation. I have a Paradox SP65 controller
Im battling to get this working with HomeAssistant.
2 issues:

  1. The status always seems to show as Unknown as much as I try different options for the status topic.
    I have tried various state topics as discussed in this thread and others.

  2. I dont get any control toggles to arm and disarm as seen in other screenshots. The only thing that indicates that it is present is the state tracking icon that top of the screen which shows as Bell with Unk under it.

I have the following in my configuration.yaml:

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Paradox”
    state_topic: Paradox/Partition
    command_topic: “Paradox/C/P1”
    payload_disarm: “Disarm”
    payload_arm_home: “Sleep”
    payload_arm_away: “Arm”
    retain: true

I can see that the MQTT configuration is working as I get something like this in the logs depending on the Status Topic I test with:
“2018-11-24 19:21:27 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.alarm_control_panel.mqtt] Received unexpected payload: Event:Zone open;SubEvent:Zone 5”

I tried doing a manual MQTT subscription to Paradox/# to see if I could pick up something that would point me in the right path. Here is an output sample of when it is being enabled and disabled on the keypad:
Event:Partition status;SubEvent:Exit delay started
? 1543053432
Event:Special arming;SubEvent:Partial arming
? 1543053432
Event:Non-reportable event;SubEvent:Arm in stay mode
ON 1543053432
? 1543053432
Event:Partition status;SubEvent:Arm partition
? 1543053432
Event:Partition status;SubEvent:Squawk OFF (Partition 1)
? 1543053432
Event:Partition status;SubEvent:Squawk ON (Partition 1)
? 1543053432
Event:Arming with user;SubEvent:User Number 1
? 1543053432
Event:Bell status (Partition 1);SubEvent: Bell squawk arm
OFF 1543053441
? 1543053441
Event:Partition status;SubEvent:Disarm partition
? 1543053442
Event:Partition status;SubEvent:Squawk OFF (Partition 1)
? 1543053442
Event:Partition status;SubEvent:Squawk ON (Partition 1)
? 1543053442
Event:Partition status;SubEvent:Squawk OFF (Partition 1)
? 1543053442
Event:Partition status;SubEvent:Squawk ON (Partition 1)
? 1543053442
Event:Disarming with user;SubEvent:User Number 1
? 1543053442
Event:Bell status (Partition 1);SubEvent: Bell squawk disarm

The Paradox/Partition shows the “Off” and “On” components but it has a random number next to it. Thinking that may be why homeassistant is not understanding it.
Not sure if there is something else I have to do to get the Arm / Disarm toggles.
I am very new to HA and I would really appreciate your input
