Home Assistant at home with online dashboard


Yeah, I think the main constraint is the amount of memory use. The Pi 3 only has 1GB

I’m running Hass.io and things are fine but every now and then something come up and need to restart the pi. Do you think the amount of memory the system is using too high? I didn’t see what the usage % was before I loaded up all my configurations

hass io is developed for that use, so i guess that should never happen.
there must be something in your config that somehow uses to much mem.

i would try to find the cause instead of searching for another solution.
but i might be wrong and other users have the same problem, you could try to find out by opening a topic about it

i have hundreds of entities and home assistant uses less then 160 MB.
i also do make heavy use from appdaemon which uses 200 MB
I have ubuntu 17.10 running on a beebox and that only uses 1,5 gb total with AD and HA included.

but just the fact that you have 250 MB free now and it gets used at some point is something that shouldnt happen.

75% isn’t high memory use. If you were seeing 100% memory use, or maybe 99%, then it’d be worth looking closer. Even then, a high memory use is healthy and normal.

             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:           955        870         84         53        168        184
-/+ buffers/cache:        517        437

That’s from my Pi running Home Assistant and many other things. 91% memory usage, except it’s not. Once you exclude the RAM used for caching then 54% of the RAM is really used, so there’s lots spare.


in that case its something else that is hanging his RPI.

I’m successfully running my setup since the time I wrote the last post (August '17). I’m running a Raspberry Pi 2 at home and I’ve never had problems with resources on the Pi.

hey thanks for this! I learned something new today :grinning: