Home Assistant Cloud Alexa won’t allow to Manage Entities and Only Gives Spinning Wheel

When I click on Manage Entities on the Alexa cloud integration all I get is the spinning 3/4 circle and nothing ever comes up. The screen stays blank. No options are ever presented. Is anyone else having this issue or has anyone else had this issue. Any help would be appreciated. Currently Alexa doesn’t have access to any of my HA entities.

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So no one else is having this problem?

I am now too… any fix?

No. Not fixed. Everytime I add a new device to home assistant it automatically show up in alexa. I can’t manage or exclude. I don’t know where to begin trying to find a solution. Also not getting any traction on this thread.

I’m having the exact same problem. I can’t avoid them from being added into Alexa and when I disable them in the Tuya Integration, sometimes they are still showing up in Alexa, and if I remove them, the Local Tuya version that I added in HA still says unresponsive. I feel this is connected to the issue of the spinning wheel in the Cloud integration. I don’t know where to begin either. I’ve posted the question on Github also, but no response. Home Assistant Cloud on HA OS won’t connect to “Manage Entities” for Alexa · Issue #75976 · home-assistant/core (github.com) And also asked on Discord.Discord and still nothing.

How do we elevate this?

I’ve probably spent over 100 hours trying to fix this issue… whatever it is.

Maybe change the headline of your question to Home Assistant Cloud won’t allow to Manage Entities and Only Gives Spinning Wheel; no control of Tuya Devices available

or something like that.

I read somewhere that the headline is important to speak to the problem. I’m pretty new though, so I hope someone with more experience picks up on this thread.

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Here is what I see in the log.

Logger: homeassistant.components.cloud.http_api
Source: components/alexa/entities.py:463
Integration: Home Assistant Cloud (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 11:24:20 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 11:24:20 AM

Unexpected error processing request for cloud/alexa/entities
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/cloud/http_api.py”, line 127, in error_handler
return await handler(hass, connection, msg)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/cloud/http_api.py”, line 555, in alexa_list
entities = alexa_entities.async_get_entities(hass, alexa_config)
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/alexa/entities.py”, line 374, in async_get_entities
if not list(alexa_entity.interfaces()):
File “/usr/src/homeassistant/homeassistant/components/alexa/entities.py”, line 463, in interfaces
if climate.HVAC_MODE_OFF in self.entity.attributes.get(
TypeError: argument of type ‘NoneType’ is not iterable

Problem solved!!!

For me at least. I completely removed TUYA LOCAL. Rebooted and manage entities is NOW working.!!

Hi Wayne, could you please better specify which TUYA LOCAL integration your removed?
Because there is more the one of that, I’ve the same Alexa issue and I’ve removed that but nothing changed. Actually I’m using another custom integration for tuya, “LocalTuya” but I remember that it was not causing the issue of Alexa. The status now is that I’ve (and I need) LocalTuya only but Alexa integration management is still not working.
Any hint so far?

I removed the one from HACC called Local Tuya.