Home Assistant Community Add-on: AdGuard Home

I am having trouble with this add-on.
I got it to load and have access to the web interface, but it isn’t blocking any ads.
I’m sorry I am not technical, and presume that is my problem.
I have set a static IP on my raspberry pi.
The static external DNS server issue is where I am uncertain.
I have Google WiFi. My DNS is set for automatic (
Should I change this setting to the ISP’s DNS? If that is my likely issue, other than making this add-on work, what potential risks come with this setting as opposed to the automatic setting?
I appreciate your patience and help!

After you have the addon running, it would be best to check the wiki for AdGuard Home itself for more information on how to use it:

In short, you change your router’s DNS to the box running this addon, then in the addon set the upstream DNS to google or cloudflare, or whatever you would like.

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I’m not sure if you are having this problem for the same reason I am, but I think I found the solution for mine.

I’m running HassIO on an Ubuntu box. Ubuntu uses systemd-resolved which starts at boot and binds to port 53.

The “solution” was to disable it, by running Sudo systemctl disable system-resolved in the Ubuntu host, then editing /etc/resolv.conf so only my router was listed as a nameserver. Then reboot the host.

I’m not sure if this is the 100% correct way to fix the issue, but it seemed to work.


I use a raspberry pie.
Is it wrongly understood that on my router should set the DNS as my raspberry pie ip port 53? or is it only the ip?

Just the IP should be fine. The default DNS port is 53, so if you’re using that, the IP should be all that needs to be given.


Thanks very much for this info… I had to use a slightly different command but same result… it all seems to be working correctly now. :tada:

sudo systemctl disable systemd-resolved.service
sudo reboot now

Hi guys,

I’m not 100% about the setup. My pi has an static IP address, but I’m not sure, what " static external DNS servers!" means.

Can somebody please explain what that means? Do I need to set anything here?

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surely thats the DNS server(s) that you want Adguard to use for its DNS queries… ie: or or the default DNS server of your ISP. You would point your devices to Adguard (your RPi IP) but Adguard needs to resolve DNS queriers too so it needs an EXTERNAL IP to do so, such as those I gave above

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Thanks! But where do I need to set this? Inside the AdGuard panel?

Currently I can’t access the panel. It asks me for my username and when I use my HA login, it tells me that this is wrong. Is this maybe caused by the activated 2fa?

Here is the issue from the log:

2019/01/18 13:29:42 [warn] 586#586: *9 [lua] ha-auth.lua:65: authenticate(): Authentication against Home Assistant failed!, client: 192.168.yyy.xx, server: _, request: "GET / HTTP/1.1", host: "192.168.yyy.xx:3210"


No, inside the adguard-home addon, under settings, is where you set your Upstream DNS servers.

The setting a static external DNS server for the PI is something separate, and not 100% necessary it seems, since I never bothered doing it and everything still works fine.

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Thanks :slight_smile:
Any idea about the login issue?

I’m not having that issue, so I don’t have any ideas on what the issue is, but I can make some suggestions for troubleshooting.

First try leave_front_door_open: true in the configuration for the addon. That should disable authentication for it, which is not good and should not be left that way, but it will atleast give you an idea if you can get the addon running and get into it without issue, so the HA authentication must be the issue.

After testing that, remember to remove it when done testing.

Then I would try removing 2FA from HA and seeing if that improves things. I don’t personally use 2FA so I’m not sure how that works or more precisely how that works with addons. Have you used any other addons by Frenck with 2FA and not had issues, or might this be an issue for all addons?

Thanks for the quick help! I tried it out on my second HA instance and it worked there. So I’ll try your debug steps on my not working instance and try to figure out, what’s going wrong there.

I’ve had Adguard running in Hassio for a few days now, and it works great. The only issue I have noticed is I no longer get notifications using the notify call (send a notification to my phone). After some trial and error I’ve noticed that it stops working while Adguard is running, even if I have turned all filters off. The notify call works like a dream as soon as I have Adguard disabled again. I don’t think this is anything to do with my configuration?

:tada: Release v0.2.0

Full Changelog


  • Upgrades add-on base image to 2.3.2
  • Upgrades AdGuard Home to v0.93

Questions? Join our Discord server! https://discord.me/hassioaddons
Enjoying my add-ons? Consider supporting my work: https://patreon.com/frenck

:tada: Release v0.3.0

Full Changelog


  • Upgrades add-on base image to 3.0.0
  • Removes custom log format override
  • Makes log_level optional
  • Workaround Docker issue by reinstating legacy tags
  • Adds support for ARMv7
  • Rewrite add-on onto Bashio
  • Removes obsolete opt folder creation
  • Makes NGinx wait for AdGuard before starting
  • Fixes download location for ARMv7

Questions? Join our Discord server! https://discord.me/hassioaddons
Enjoying my add-ons? Consider supporting my work: https://patreon.com/frenck

Just in case you hadn’t noticed, 0.94 is out.


:tada: Release v1.0.0

Full Changelog

This release moves the add-on to stable / production ready :tada:
It also adds Hassio Ingress support :tada:

As for a major change: Port settings are moved out of the add-on configuration.
After the upgrade, you may need to check this (if you had changed the default before).

:warning: You need at least Home Assistant 0.91.2 :warning:


  • :arrow_up: Upgrades AdGuard Home to v0.94 (#7)
  • :arrow_up: Upgrades base image to v3.1.0
  • :sparkles: Puts AdGuard into debug mode when add-on is
  • :hammer: Use Bashio wait_for before starting NGinx
  • :hammer: Improves S6 finish scripts
  • :sparkles: Adds Hassio Ingress support
  • :pencil2: Fixes grammar in README
  • :shirt: Removes a extra space from NGinx configuration
  • :hammer: Removes number prefix from container init scripts
  • :tada: Moves add-on stage to production ready

Questions? Join our Discord server! https://discord.me/hassioaddons
Enjoying my add-ons? Consider supporting my work: https://patreon.com/frenck


Quick question @frenck does this mean that AdGuard is now only available through Hassio Ingress and no longer able to be accessed through a direct link outside of HA?

Besides the “hassio addons configurator, open web ui, open settings, then open new tab and copy this new long address” workaround.

@VladTepz, by default, direct access is disabled. This can be enabled by assigning a port to the interface in the add-on configuration.

Restart the add-on afterwards.

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