I don’t believe there’s an option to do that on a per-device basis.
You could set a filter which just blocks every domain, but that’s a bit counter productive. You can also turn on an off certain filters inside HA (or atleast add/remove it), so if you made that total blacklist filter, you could control it via HA I think, but that seems like a rather cumbersome way of doing it honestly.
Trying the new HA integration running Hass.io. AdGuard is discovered but when I click the configure and then submit button I get a failed to connect message.
The difference between correct (static ip/dns) and Not-correct (client of it self) is massive in performance, and the network become stable.
So remember to follow documentation, and with the SSH & terminal addon now have nmcli which make setting static ip and dns so easy (I used Hass.io on Intel NUC for inspiration for setting the ip/dns)
Thanks to @frenck for awesome work which make my life easier and better
I’ve installed the add-on. I already had static IP for my Pi on which I’m running hass.io. I am able to start the add-on and to see the Dashboard in the Web UI for AdGuard Home.
I tried putting my Pi’s IP address ( into my router’s DHCP configuration as the DNS Server. But when I did that I lost all Internet access on from my home network. What am I doing wrong? Here’s my IP setup on my Pi:
hey @Frenck thanks for the video on Adguard Home setup and config on Hassio. I need some direction on an issue. I had it installed on a PI3 and worked so well, but yesterday I’ve migrated my Hassio from my PI3 to VMWare ESXI / Ubuntu Server 18.04 / Docker. Installed restored the backup of my Hassio onto there, it complained about the port 53 so I’ve moved it t port 54 which is fine, but then my issue that I need help with is getting my clients/devices to talk to it again since under my “Top Clients” box on Adguard dashboard all I have now is “localhost (” and none of my rules seem to work anymore such as resolving any dns names or blocking anything using the same filters as before …
I’m guessing might be to do with the fact that it is now running inside docker ? did a bunch of research on this but I’m a little stuck, all other addons seem to work fine. Thanks in advance.
I live in the Uk and my ISP is BT who restricts its customers to use their own DNS servers and this cannot be changed. Does that render this addon useless for me?
I’m having a bit of trouble after installing duckdns on my hassio, the add on start but the only “client” I get is which is wrong, obviously. Before I had Duckdns running it worked flawless, but I don’t know what the difference should be in the settings
Edit: I’m running this:
Add-on version: 2.0.1
You are running the latest version of this add-on.
System: HassOS 2.8 (armv7 / raspberrypi3)
Home Assistant version: 0.96.5
Supervisor version: 170
And are getting this alert when booting
nginx: [alert] detected a LuaJIT version which is not OpenResty's; many optimizations will be disabled and performance will be compromised (see https://github.com/openresty/luajit2 for OpenResty's LuaJIT or, even better, consider using the OpenResty releases from https://openresty.org/en/download.html)