Home Assistant Community Add-on: AdGuard Home

Thanks! That worked perfectly. While I wasn’t having major problems with 4.1.6, there was something odd where turning off filtering didn’t seem to work properly.

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It works perfectly with iptables -t nat before all rules :wink:

Thank you @Jmi

Where do you enter these commands - the host OS (Raspbian) or within the docker container? I would really appreciate a step-by-step guide :slight_smile:

1/ Determine the IP of your Adguard container (available in Adguard / Setup Guide page)
2/ Logon into the host OS
3/ Enter the i-tables command using the IP address of your Adguard container instead of
4/ Here you are !

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What would be the best way to do this if running HassOS, using AdGuard add-on? SSH maybe?

Step 1 and 2 ok, I just don’t know the command you are talking about, could you post for dummies so I can replace with the IP of my Adguard container??

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -d -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j MASQUERADE
iptables -t nat -A DOCKER ! -i hassio -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j DNAT --to-destination
iptables -t nat -A DOCKER -d ! -i hassio -o hassio -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j ACCEPT```

Just out of curiosity, what is the root cause behind the need for those iptables commands? Where did that come from in the first place?

I mean, I am also on 4.1.6, but then my setup works fine, it seems. Do I need to do anything? Is there a way to check? Is it because of a certain combination of the setup? For reference I’m running HAOS VM.

for example how do you use adguard on your phone outside your home?

Thanks for this, it works.
I also think it is extremely weird that we need this though. I’m using a home assistant blue. HassOS and everything. So of course adguard is installed as an addon.
It always worked perfectly, and now all of a sudden after updating the DNS is broken completely and I need to login through SSH and enter a few commands of which I have absolutely no idea what they do. Did I just send my bank details to some malicious hacker? :smile:

Aside from your post on this forum, there is absolutely no mention of this anywhere in the documentation of the addon. How are people supposed to know about this? This doesn’t really match the plug and play spirit of addons if you ask me…

Imho this should not be needed… Something radical has happed since the latest update.
I’m mean… PI Hole works without adding iptables as some manually CLI commands.

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Hi Welocme. Your question does not relate to Home Assistant so please look at www.adguard .com for your answer

I am running add on version 4.1.3 on a Raspberry Pi and I have not needed to do anything extra to make it work. You are best to open an issue on GitHub as @frenck monitors that more closely.

Hello, I am trying to block services on specific devices, but it doesn’t seem to be working. I have Adguard setup on my Raspberry Pi that’s running HASS and my router pointing to its static IP as the DNS server.

Steps I take:

  • Settings/Client Settings
  • Add device (I have tried both local IP and MAC addresses)
  • under “Block Specific Services” I uncheck “use global blocked services” and check the specific services (Youtube, Facebook…)
  • I restart Adguard and reboot the device and it still does not work

Any insight as to what I’m doing wrong? Everything else is working fine - it blocks ads on all my devices, but I can’t seem to get this to work.

Edit: I should also include that if I block a service across the network (Filters/Blocked Services) that does work. Just not individual clients.

Still not sure where to enter the ip table commands if using HassOS with the AdGuard Add-on? I’ve been using stuck on version 4.0.0 as a result. Thanks in advance for any clarification!

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I would be looking at why/whether you even need to. Mine is working fine? I would open a Github issue and see what help you can get there. Issues · hassio-addons/addon-adguard-home · GitHub

Yea I did check it out. Seems to be a widespread issue that’s likely related to network manager. Been trying to figure it out, just not sure why it stopped working after 4.0.0.

EDIT: This might help some: I tried the method of installing 4.1.6 then going to the Configuration page of the add-on and saving the Network section. AdGuard now shows the proper listening address and seems to be working fine now.


Awesome, worked for me to!

Pc didn’t connect to internet anymore with the default settings… so staying on 4.0.0 for now!

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Is it possible to change the IP that AdGuard listens on? It currently only lists the IP of my Pi, but it used to have more listening IPs.

So are they going to fix the add-on or do we all just stay on version 4.0?

Yeah there might be a whole bunch of hacks to get it to work, but it’s still broken and doesn’t work as advertised. How do you flag an add-on to be recommended to be deprecated in home assistant if it’s no longer supported?
Pi-hole got deprecated so I moved to AdGuard, now a few months later AdGuard no longer works.

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