Home Assistant Community Add-on: AdGuard Home

thank you very much!

You need to distribute the DNS address of your Pi via DHCP to your clients, this way your clients will directly query the AdGuard instance to resolve DNS requests.

Check the DHCP configuration of your router.

I can get any sensors from AdGuard,
I can find AdGuard under integration .
Discovery can’t find my AdGuardHome.
Please guide

@kirpat This integration is not yet available, you’d have to wait until 0.95 is released.

Dear frenck
sorry for my point
I asked because, it was in changelog
thanks frenck.

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Can we use this AND pihole? Will so increase ad blocking and security, or is it a bad idea?

You’ll get a port clash if you try to run both.

Yes right, what if you put one of the two in another port

Is the rpi 3b+ fast enough? My line is ~370/45, with some 20 devices? thanks

edit: nevermind, ofc this only handles DNS requests and thats only a few kb, didn’t think this through before asking.

Is there a way to bypass AGH for a particular IP address? I’ve tried adding a client and defining the IP there (with use global settings off) and I set up Custom filtering rules by adding @@$network and that does not seem to be working either.

My Xiaomi Zigbee Gateway is on that IP and if I route it through AGH, it goes offline. If I re-route my DNS to even opendns (my AGH upstream DNS) instead of AGH directly, it comes back online.

Any thoughts?

I see this offers a parental control option would this be something like Disney circle?
I would like to be able to block and monitor my sons web content, without affecting my own

or am I wanting something different?

In the client settings, you can tell it to ignore global settings for a specific device, so you can either blacklist his devices always use parental controls, or set it globally and whitelist your devices to never use parental controls. That might give you what you’re looking for.

(Screenshot of client settings page shown below)

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that great!
one more question
can I kill the internet to the device too?

I don’t believe there’s an option to do that on a per-device basis.

You could set a filter which just blocks every domain, but that’s a bit counter productive. You can also turn on an off certain filters inside HA (or atleast add/remove it), so if you made that total blacklist filter, you could control it via HA I think, but that seems like a rather cumbersome way of doing it honestly.

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Trying the new HA integration running Hass.io. AdGuard is discovered but when I click the configure and then submit button I get a failed to connect message.

For me I had to restart the AdGuard add-on and then connected the integration. Doing a full system reboot would have accomplished the same thing.

Thanks. Restart of AdGuard fixed it

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I have Hass.io installed in docker. Should this work on that kind of setup without tricks? I only get my internet killed when I try this.

The difference between correct (static ip/dns) and Not-correct (client of it self) is massive in performance, and the network become stable.

So remember to follow documentation, and with the SSH & terminal addon now have nmcli which make setting static ip and dns so easy :pray: (I used Hass.io on Intel NUC for inspiration for setting the ip/dns)

Thanks to @frenck for awesome work which make my life easier and better :heart::pray:

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I’ve installed the add-on. I already had static IP for my Pi on which I’m running hass.io. I am able to start the add-on and to see the Dashboard in the Web UI for AdGuard Home.

I tried putting my Pi’s IP address ( into my router’s DHCP configuration as the DNS Server. But when I did that I lost all Internet access on from my home network. What am I doing wrong? Here’s my IP setup on my Pi:

nmcli> print ipv4
[‘ipv4’ setting values]
ipv4.method: manual
ipv4.dns-search: –
ipv4.dns-options: “”
ipv4.dns-priority: 0
ipv4.routes: –
ipv4.route-metric: -1
ipv4.route-table: 0 (unspec)
ipv4.routing-rules: –
ipv4.ignore-auto-routes: no
ipv4.ignore-auto-dns: no
ipv4.dhcp-client-id: –
ipv4.dhcp-timeout: 0 (default)
ipv4.dhcp-send-hostname: yes
ipv4.dhcp-hostname: –
ipv4.dhcp-fqdn: –
ipv4.never-default: no
ipv4.may-fail: yes
ipv4.dad-timeout: -1 (default)

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