Home Assistant Community Add-on: Grocy

Not sure if this has been answered yet or not in this thread, or in another thread, but all my searches seem to bring me back to this thread.

Right now Home Assistant doesn’t allow users to see Grocy in the side menu, you have to be an Admin. But I don’t want to give admin access to everyone. But in my searches I found that Grocy has an app you can download for Android (not sure if there is one for iPhone or not) but is there a way to connect the two? Hoping I can get this figured out as a work around until HA lets you give users access to certain Side menu options.

Haven’t tried this myself, but there must be a way to port-forward your Docker install of Grocy to an address that is accessible by the Grocy app…like, 172.x.x.x (Docker IP) to 192.x.x.x or whatever your LAN IP is and then point the NGINX proxy to it and use a subdomain (or VPN directly to the 192 address).

Traefik can do this via the docker network.

Do something like this:

version: '3.3'
    image: linuxserver/grocy:latest
      TZ: America/Phoenix
     - /var/data/grocy:/config
     - traefik_public
      driver: json-file
        traefik.docker.network: traefik_public
        traefik.enable: 'true'
        traefik.http.routers.grocy.entrypoints: websecure
        traefik.http.routers.grocy.rule: Host(`YOUR.GROCY.HOSTNAME`)
        traefik.http.routers.grocy.tls: 'true'
        traefik.http.services.grocy.loadbalancer.server.port: '80'

since some time (weeks at least) i get the following error:

Logger: homeassistant.setup
Source: setup.py:172
Setup failed for grocy: Integration not found.

Grocy is available, i can access it outside of home assistant, but sensors are not available.
I tried reinstalling grocy - nothing changes.
Everyone else? any ideas?

Looks like grocy v 3.1. is out (with support for separate meals in meal plan!!): Changelog & release history | grocy I don’t really understand how add-ons use or pull docker images, but I’m wondering what needs to be done to upgrade to v3.1. Thanks!

The last time it took 19 days for the HA-addOn to get updated after a version change for Grocy. I’d suggest you wait a few days, it will get updated eventually. :slight_smile:

If you don’t want to wait, you can always use a seperate docker container for Grocy. But you’ll loose the integration into the Supervisor backend. :wink:

And there it is, the update to Grocy 3.1 arrived as HA addOn. :slight_smile: That was fast this time! :slight_smile: :+1:

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is someone using grocy with rhasspy? to add products to shopping list, do chores or using products?

Grocy is working fine from within HA (accessing from sidebar). I only use it for Chores, However, when I try to access via IP.address:9192, my chores overview and master data are blank. I can select chores from the drop down on the chores tracker but the “ok” button is not clickable. I am logged in as admin on both interfaces, could that have something to do with it?


I’ve got the same problem. Did you find a solution?


I’m having the same problem as well, not sure if you able to find any solution

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I am having the same issue

That issue is documented in a GitHub issue. https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-grocy/issues/213

I’m not sure where it is going, but I also have the same issue. I hope the issue hasn’t stalled.


Did you ever write this tutorial ?
Im struggling to install BCB. I could figure out how to use grocy and duckdns. But not how to configure BCB correctly .

The tutorial would be appreciated from my side @paddy0174

Did you find a way to fix this?

Hey guys,

I’ve noticed the iPhone app not working well with Grocy v3.1.0, in v3.1.1 changelog it says the data type issue has been fixed. So I managed to manually replace the add-on built-in grocy docker to 3.1.1, now the grocy add-on won’t start…

Is there any way to simply get the iPhone app work or it’s better to wait until the next add-on grocy update?

I assuming there has been no resolution to this or no one wanted to post the result?

grocy mobile version 2 for IOS has been released. This requires Grocy version 3.1.3 . looking forward for update soon.

I was just setting up Grocy and it seemed to work fine, but I exposed it on an external port to hit it via the API and if I access Grocy via external port and not via Home Assistant as such I get an empty instance, I can login with different users but no products, chores anything like this (that I added) appears to be there and it doesn’t seem to add either.
When adding new product via the exposed port I can see different categories I added via Home Assistant. It just never saves and it never shows me any stock or anything else.
API works fine when hitting this exposed port and if I log via Home Assistant it’s all there.
Any ideas as to what I’m experiencing here?


I have the same Problem.
I also try to use the barcode buddy. But it cant connect to the grocy api using the dynDNS name. While I can reach the api from my network using the private IP and port. So I can scan and then open the produkt add sheet. Here i cant save anything. The error msg is empty and so all logs.
And then I tried the Android Grocy app. Scanning the grocy api key generated QR-code gave the hint.
The address is doubled:


So fare so good. But what to do now?
I am using the latest docker addons pulled by HACS.

Thanks for any help.