Home Assistant Community Add-on: Pi-hole

I’m still getting dnsmasq: unknown user or group: dnsmasq
Pihole is on 2.0.1, no update available.
Restarted pihole and raspberry already.

What to do? XD

@weert14, Currently: Nothing.

Track the issue here: https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-pi-hole/issues/35

Aha i thought it was fixed in 2.0.1
I will track the issue, thanks

INFO: Password is NOT in the Have I Been Pwned database! Nice!

Well, now it is. Can we disable this check somehow because I don’t want my password to be sent to a shady webpage in order to be checked. Thats really bad.

I seem to have a couple of port issues (v2.0.1) . I’m very new to Linux and Docker. Running Hass.io on an NUC with Ubuntu. I have MQTT running in a Docker container too. I can’t access the web interface…

Problem with port 53 already being used by Ubuntu - I stopped the systemd-resolved service in Ubuntu (which I read would should only impact VPN) and now Pi-Hole has successfully grabbed 53. I assume moving Pi-Hole from 53 to say 54 makes the standard DNS functionality offered by Pi-Hole fail?

However it is still complaining about port 9001. This is the default port used by MQTT for websocket connections so I’m loathe to port map that in the MQTT container.

[24-Aug-2018 12:39:48] ERROR: unable to bind listening socket for address '': Address in use (98)
[24-Aug-2018 12:39:48] ERROR: FPM initialization failed

I think Pi-Hole itself is running - just the web interface I can’t get to.

Why is Pi-Hole using this port 9001 - and can it be mapped elsewhere / made configurable ?

Hi @rotbarsch! First of all, HaveIBeenPwned.com is not shady at all.
Your password never gets sent to their site anyway.
It gets hashed (using SHA-1) and only the first 5 (out of 40) digits from that hash is used.

For a better explanation from @frenck himself, see his post here. And here is a link to the API itself.

Please get your facts straight before calling those kind of accusations. Please uninstall the add-on.

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This port is used internally by the add-on and is running the PHP daemon used for the Web interface and is currently not configurable. I’ll look into a way to work around that. The only solution for now, is moving the MQTT port (which is configurable).

Welcome to the great world of Ubuntu 18.04 and all its Systemd/Docker/DNS issues. I really don’t have a good solution for it, nor do other people have. There are like 20 different workarounds available, none are good IMHO.

I consider this part out of scope for the add-on, but Google can help you a lot on this.

Yes, I can do that but one of the irks with MQTT is determining which clients are connected and I have a few that I will need to reconfigure … and I’ll forget some. Some are only sporadic connections via webpages. I should have made better notes !

Thanks for considering making it configurable … a few people must have MQTT installed and hit this.

Yes I agree - I’m just cautious about tweaking something I know so little about - it usually bites you later.

Thank you for the update. Working fine here.

@frenck sorry for the accusation and @tielemans.jorim thx for explaining how it works.

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general question - which DNS provider are people using?

  • Google
  • OpenDNS
  • Level3
  • Norton
  • Comodo
  • Quad9
  • CloudFlare DNS
  • Custom

0 voters

Hi I got and error:

Unable to fetch data from Pi-hole
‎11‎:‎00‎ ‎AM components/sensor/pi_hole.py (ERROR)
Can not load data from *hole: localhost
‎11‎:‎00‎ ‎AM core.py (ERROR)

It is from developer tool, info.
But when I corrected sensor to:

  • platform: pi_hole
    host: localhost:4865
    location: “”

All is good now. Sorry for bothering you guys.

:tada: Release v2.0.2

Full Changelog

Bug fix release. Thank you for all the feedback! The add-on has had some upgrades to be more robust.

Important, in case you are experiencing problems with the Home Assistant component/integration/sensor: Update your HA configuration to the following (example):

  - platform: pi_hole
    host: localhost:4865
      - ads_blocked_today
      - dns_queries_today
      - unique_clients


  • Fixes user/group of pihole-FTL on migration
  • Ensures existing log files are overwritten
  • Adds interface on /admin as well
  • Updates pihole component example
  • Updates panel_iframe example


  • Changes the default back to /admin
  • Changes the PHP FPM port

Questions? Join our Discord server! https://discord.me/hassioaddons
Enjoying my add-ons? Consider supporting my work: https://patreon.com/frenck

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Hi - thanks for moving the PHP FPM port.

Just experiencing a different issue- which I’ll research on Google - but just in case is not a ‘me’ problem I’ll mention it. When I access the web interface I get…

Failed Host Check: XXX.duckdns.org vs, , hassio.local, pi.hole, localhost, nuc, nuc.local

What’s curious is that the host IP address I have my HASS docker container running on is, this also fails…

Failed Host Check: vs, , hassio.local, pi.hole, localhost, nuc, nuc.local

The appears to be an exposed interface in the Pi-Hole Docker - of course if I use the .233 address it loads up fine (but only directly by IP not via a duckdns port redirect).

dnsmasq issue is resolved BUT:
simply updating the add on did not work at all. I had to uninstall the addon and install again. Now it is working again.

thanks for the fix…

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Thanks for sharing this!

I updated from 1.3.0 to 2.0.2 and still saw the endless “dnsmasq” log messages. But uninstalling and reinstalling the addon seems to have cleared my issue too.

Heh, in my case, when I uninstall the addon my ubuntu server 18.04 vm (virtualbox w10 host) loses the ability to resolve DNS queries, so I can’t work around the dnsmasq issue that way. :thinking:

Hi @frenck I just wanted to clarify something…
I had thought that with a generic linux install of hass.io, I need to keep the OS (Debian in my case) up-to-date using the first command (and apt-get upgrade) which will also update docker and then just use the Hass.io update option to update Hassio? The second and third commands seem to be installing dependencies and then hassio all over again…

I’m getting the same errors as you but I can’t understand how you solved it… my config looks like this:

  - platform: pi_hole
    host: localhost:4865
      - ads_blocked_today
      - dns_queries_today
      - unique_clients

isn’t the default location admin anymore?