Home Assistant Community Add-on: Visual Studio Code

Yes, I am having the exact same issue.

@gregcsw See this issue for status & workaround: https://github.com/hassio-addons/addon-vscode/issues/12

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Perfect Thank You

This is great, @frenck. Thanks.

Has anyone else tried this on their phone? Itā€™s surprisingly usable. But, long press to select text (on Android) doesnā€™t work. It instead pulls up a context menu. Is there a way to work around or change that behavior?

then I open vs code addon by clicking on open wed ui I get a dialog box asking for username and password. Where is this setup? Iā€™d could not set password in the addon config. Thanks for any help

@ramdisk, use your Home Assistant username & password. The add-on authenticates against Home Assistant since the last release.

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thank you Frenck that worked, sorry for bothering you.
Love the addon thanks for all your hard work on it

@ramdisk Donā€™t worry m8! Happy you got it working :tada:

@frenck Thank you so much for your work. This is amazing.

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Unfortunately itā€™s another port/service to expose online.

Use a reverse proxy (like caddy) and then thereā€™s no need to expose another port.

im using nginx/letsencrypt reverse proxy. But still i would need to expose another port to be able to access it over internet?

Really? Iā€™ve not much experience with nginx. With caddy you only open port 80 and 443.

Sure, but HA is already on those ports, so the addon should be on a different ones, or am i wrong?

Well this is really off topicā€¦ but;

No the reverse proxy is. The proxy then routes your traffic to the desired ports/ipā€™s

You 100% do not need any more ports forwarded if you are using NGINX or any reverse proxy.

Has anyone noticed issues related to a memory leak? After logging in to the editor, my VMā€™s RAM usage immediately maxes out (6gb, where it normally hovers at 1.5). Iā€™m on mobile, but as soon as I click the 5 buttons on the left sidebar, it spikes.

But I guess you need to add another entry to your caddyfile, not? Could you share what you have added to make this work via Caddy? Iā€™m a noob when it comes to caddy and mine is only working now because I copied it from others and made some changes by test & trail.

The only change I made in caddy was to create a new sub-domain for visual studio code and i is exactly the same as all my other sub domains but with the vscode domain and portā€¦ You should be able to follow the pattern.

Hereā€™s my Caddyfile entry. As @DavidFW1960 says it follows the pattern of the others

vscode.xxxxxxxx.duckdns.org {
    proxy / localhost:1337 {