Home Assistant Cookbook - Discussion Thread

I haz questions… how do you want me to add my “stuff” to it? And, since a lot of my knowledge is based upon both real world usage AND my own (highly opinionated) opinions, should I make make a draft and bounce it off you guys beforehand? I’m notorious in my job for being thoroughly craptastic at documentation…

That is always a difficult one. The old Xiaomi/Aqara sensors are famous for not playing Nice, yet on my Zigbee network I never had problems with them.

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My thought is the list is ephemeral.
Also case by case dependent.
People might be better off using search for their device model here that trying to collect them in a list.
I’m not sure I would add any devices because I wouldn’t know if it was my environment or the device.
For instance I might trash the sonoff one button zigbee thing because they were shutting down like 2 hours after I set them up. Turned out it was located about 3ft from a thirdreality plug, and the signal on those is so strong the switch just shutdown. I put a thirdreality switch there and it works fine now.

I mean there is the anecdotal things like don’t count on an s31 as a router because it doesn’t do that well, but…

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The new ones aren’t THAT much better to be honest… they still “prefer” certain routers and get highly annoyed when you try to make them play in a playground they don’t like. They ARE getting better, but still.


I’ve been going through and trying to capture some stuff from both the Zigbee topic here, the zigbee channel in discord and also my own experiences into a single list. It’s been… interesting to say the least.

All good points. Let’s shelve that one for the time being. :thinking:


I dropped this on somebody asking what yaml was and other questions that were more basic than basic. I don’t think they knew there was HA Docs.

Anyone able to fit this in our list, be my guest. (If you think it’s helpful)


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This is great.

That extra list of where it works and doesn’t work is something I haven’t seen before. It explains why one of my attempts didn’t work: Irrigation system. It’s either triggered by a time or manually, and I wanted to distinguish between the two for the purpose of notifications.

I want to add that I’ve seen more than one context object, meaning, there’s context, but also this.context — and their info will be different. I don’t have a deeper understanding of this, but perhaps you do. I’ll try to find the link where I asked about this.

EDIT: Here it is: User ID under this.context.user_id differs from context.user_id.

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@paddy0174 Is this guide still valid? (I see it was written at the beginning of the “Year of the Voice”)

Something for the Voice Assistants section, maybe?

Nothing has been said over here because, well, I don’t have anything more in my plan for here than my initial observations I took down when I started. Discord needs the most love by far. Then I need to get all the moderators and employees on the same page for how to moderate the 4000 platforms we talk to people on, including seeing what we can do about making community guidelines more cohesive across them. After that I can focus on this space - this will be a project for me because I am not familiar with Discourse backend yet and I’ll be learning as I go. :grimacing:

When I start this process, I will open a thread for the community to offer their feedback on changes - I can’t give you a time frame on when I will do this, but at least you know what to look for! I’ll lay out my thoughts and suggestions, how I got to those conclusions, and ask for help where I need it. This really is y’all’s community, I am just here to help organize it and be the community’s point of contact for the full time employees.

And to be pedantic, my title is Community & Social Media Manager @Sir_Goodenough, how dare you get it wrong. :joy:


I got 2 of the 4 words right and your @ tag, I should at least get half credit.




Hey there and welcome to the Brady Bunch! :rofl:

It’s great to see HA moving forward, and didn’t we earn a Community & Social Media Manager just for us? :laughing: I can see the advantage in finally having a person to speak to, much appreciated! :+1: Not sure though, what you did in a former life to deserve this (us), but I for one promise to behave, at least most of the time. :rofl:

Just kidding, really, welcome to the forum! I hope to see and read a lot from you, and I really hope, you can be the bridge between community and team, I personally am looking for since…ever! :wink:

I’m eagerly awaiting with what you come up! :slight_smile:


Honestly, I think the video is much to complicated and is a little to general for us. But I’m taking a look, if I can write something up on how to use the documentation and other ressources, to have more fun with HA. :slight_smile: I’ll let you know, how far I’ve come next week. :slight_smile:

I haven’t looked at it for a few months, so after the YoV it might very likely be outdated. I’ll take a look at it, and let you know, when I have updated it, to link it in the index.

I just wanted to ask, where were we with the TOC in the Cookbook? I wasn’t sure, if I properly described what I had in mind. I’ll setup an example topic and post a link to it here.

My favourite right now would be the TOC in post#1 and then the categories each as own post. But we’ll see how that looks with the example. :slight_smile:


Wouldn’t that mean people had to do three clicks to get anywhere? TOC > Category > Post. It’s hard enough to get them to click once. Also, the serendipity factor is quite important (looking for x, happen to notice y) and for that everything has to be visible.

My only concern was that the list of topics was getting a bit long - the hidden TOC gives an optional summary without taking up much space.

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@Stiltjack, When a firm I used to work for did Intranets they advised clients nothing should ever be more than three clicks away (and then produced a mountain of stats to justify that)

So your thinking is sound. Beyond three you loose people’s attention and click through drops through the floor.

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Nothing changes. Back in the newspaper days, a story “below the fold” was guaranteed fewer readers.

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My company’s Intranet used as 3 click system as well. It wasn’t always adhered to, but it worked well.

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As I said, I didn’t explain it properly.

See here:

I find that good to read, people are used to scroll down in Discord forums. If you just scroll down, you have one click to the linked topic, if you use the TOC to get into a category there are only two. One on the TOC, and one in the corresponding post to the linked topic.

It’s easier for us, as we can better add content to each category (see “optional” in the example topic), it’s easier to manage in case of edits, as the post to edit is much smaller, and I find it good to read for the user - you have kind of a divider between categories, because you have a seperate post for each category.

I like it, as I already said, would be my favourite, but as you, @Stiltjack , started the Cookbook, it’s your choice! Let me know, what you think! :slight_smile:

Btw. this post should be added to the Cookbook as well, this sounds great for people that use th UI (not me, but hey… :laughing:).

If we’re going for the smaller usefull ones too, this one got more likes than I would have guessed: