Home Assistant Core - No Addon Store

Gack. So Core is essentially useless, except as a trap. I’ll bite the bullet and install docker.


I didn’t really read the blockquote. “are only available if you’ve used the Home Assistant Operating System or Home Assistant Supervised”, so Docker is also out. Since Home Assistant Operating System does not install, I’ll put some effort in Supervised.


Not at all. Lots of people use it.

I run basically the same install but I use docker to ease maintenance. But at the heart it’s the same thing.

I’m not missing out on anything. My HA functions just fine.

Supervised and OS only add a small bit of functionality that i dont need.

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I have a supervised install on a ubuntu box.

If you install debian you can have a supported install with supervised.

I managed to install Home Assistant with the Raspi 4 image after I isolated the Raspi in a subnet that is directly connected to my router, I’m filtering the traffic between the subnet and the router through my main Linux machine, using an old 100 Mbps USB ethernet interface I still had lying around.

After the installation, I moved the Raspi back to my main network, but the stuffed router phenomenon occurred again, so I had to move the Raspi back to isolation. I also had to move my RaspberryMatic Pi in that network because the Homematic refuses to contact to it when it still was in the main network.

Home Assistant seems less and less usable to me after I installed SSH and found myself isolated in a docker container using the network which is also my main network.

I found no way to influence the firewall or the docker network config. Somebody is trying to keep things simple. Much too simple for my tastes. :frowning:

I’ll try to integrate RaspberryMatic and then I’ll decide If I’ll drop Home Assistant and have a look at OpenHAB, the only other home automation environment I found to match my needs. Maybe that’s more superuser friendly.

Are you trying to install Home Assistant Core or Home Assistant Container? I don’t have experience with just core (which I believe needs a python VENV), but I also run Ubuntu and run Home Assistant container running as a stand alone docker container. As pointed out above there are no addons included, but almost all addons have an equivalent docker container you can install yourself. I use node red, zwavejs2mqtt, zigbee2mqtt, and wireguard just to name a few all installed on their own through docker instead of addons.

If you install Home assistant container it shouldn’t be part of the docker network as you are supposed to install it in “Host Networking Mode” per the install documentation - Linux - Home Assistant

I’m not really sure what networking issue you are trying to solve, but if you install Home Assistant container in Host Networking mode, from a networking perspective, there is no isolation from the container and the host machine, and the container runs on the network of the machine it is installed on and inherits its IP address, running on port 8123. Then you would not be dealing with an isolated docker network.

Here’s the docker instructions explaining the different docker networking options

I am new to HA, and got caught by the same puzzle, quite unpleasant. Not sure what exactly you are trying to accomplish. But I managed to use Home Assistant Community Store (HACS) integration to install an addon to my HA container installation. Here is the link https://hacs.xyz/. I pretty much exactly followed ‘DOWNLOAD’, ‘CONFIGURE’ links listed on the page.

I think that no Addon Store from container installation is a big miss. And I do not know the reasons behind it. It should be integrated as the default.

Home Assistant should unify the installation methods. Having 4 of them is very confusing. To new users like me, often times they do not know what they want/need, until they got caught later on to find out that certain functionalities are not included in his installation!

From the HACS FAQ:

So you didn’t find a workaround, you found something entirely unrelated. There are no addons in HACS.

Perhaps this is the confusion? Addons are entirely separate software that HA users often find useful. Installing and running an addon makes a new docker container and runs that software. HA is unaffected by this.

HACS includes lots of things, chief among them are custom integrations and frontend plugins. Installing these does change HA, it adds something new option to the integration menu or when configuring a dashboard. If that’s what you want you’re in the right place. The addon store is more like a curated version of dockerhub.


EDIT: Sorry I replied to the wrong person. Should have been @kaleidoscope

See here for a further explanation.

Thanks @CentralCommand and @finity for your clarification. Apparently, I was confused. It was just the 2nd day I played with HA when I made the comment. I was trying to integrate Frigate. I thought any integration that is missed from the default company list is an addon. Looks I solved my need, but it is completely different from what OP wants. Sorry for my misleading comment.

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Unfortunately, in this thread I did not see an explanation why there will never be addons for Core here?

Addons are docker containers. A core type installation doesn’t even involve docker. So how could there possibly be an addon store? Where would they be installed?

For example, install to configuration folder, like HACS does.

There are no addons in HACS. HACS works fine in all installation types. As does installing a custom component manually. Nothing to do with addons

That’s not a comparable example for the simple reason that HACS doesn’t install docker containers it copies source code from someone’s GitHub repository to your system.

All of Home Assistant’s Add-ons are docker containers (containing source code and more) specifically designed to work with Home Assistant OS or Home Assistant Supervised (not Home Assistant Container or Home Assistant Core).

Home Assistant Core is not docker-based and isn’t designed to work with Add-ons.

That’s why there’s no Add-on store for Home Assistant Core.

Ok, but for user it is looks like addons. Ok, it is better name plugins. Perhaps the reason is that there is no repository where such additions would be stored. And also backwards compatibility issues.

The only people who are confused are those who haven’t read the documentation for Add-ons (link in the second post of this topic)

I have no idea what you’re even asking for now. HA has about 2400 integrations OOTB (as of 1/2023). All are usable with any installation type, core included. There’s also tons more in HACS which it sounds like you already found.

There’s nothing in HA called plugins so you’ll have to clarify what you’re missing. Unless you’re just ranting since this

Is extremely vague and doesn’t really have anything to do with the topic at hand.

I mean to make HACS analogue, but official. To make extension moderated. And make official Api to create such extension. I mean, like Google have api for Android developers, this Api must have javadoc (Python doc) for every method. Also make Home Assistant developers console. To allow upload new versions. Also make no cording tools to create such extensions.

HACS is as official as it’s going to get. Any more blurs the line of supported. And the API is already fully documented:
Documentation - Home Assistant (home-assistant.io)
Home Assistant Developer Docs | Home Assistant Developer Docs (home-assistant.io)

This is a separate ask - also NodeRed exists

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So like how there are 2400 integrations in core. Each of which went through a code review/moderation process before it was added to core and continues to go through a code review/moderation process for every code change.

See NathunCu’s links above. There’s already an developers.home-assistant.io site dedicated to giving developers the info they need to make and maintain integrations.

Not really sure what a “developers console” is but if you’re a developer working on an integration you can test your new version easily. If you take a look at hte developer docs you’ll see it shows you how to set up devcontainer in your repo so you can have a one click task to run HA locally with a local build of HA including your pending changes. You can also test on any existing system by overriding the code of a particular integration using the custom_components folder. All of this is covered in the developer docs.

Sure. Sounds like a cool idea. Feel free to make and contribute them if you have the time.

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