Hi everyone,
I created an integration for a Triad Audio Matrix. I have tested on my 16x16 matrix and I assume it would also work on an 8x8 matrix as well.
I used Hansen8601’s media_player component and modified it for the matrix.
You can see it here: GitHub - tim-weiler/triad-audio-matrix: A Home Assistant integration for a Triad Audio Matrix
The main difference with the interface to the matrix is that it uses TCP and the commands are binary. However, the matrix_commands.py file in the repo has a list of all possible commands, so adding more should be trivial. Right now ALL I’ve had to implement is the ability to select a source for an output and change the volume.
However from Control 4 there were many other features, such as setting equalizer settings, stereo, mono, delays, and gains, etc. So when I finally pull the plug on the Control4 controller, I’ll have to implement those if I want to change those settings.
I’ve totally replaced my Control4 Core5 controller now with this integration. Controlling my home audio was the last thing it was doing.
Now, for my setup, everyone in my family has their own Spotify premium account. I installed an instance of the Spotify Connect integration for each person’s account. E.g. “Dad’s Spotify”, “Mom’s Spotify”, etc. Then I bought some USB audio outputs and wired those to the input channels of the matrix. Each Spotify Connect instance uses a dedicated audio output. I have HASS running on an old laptop.
To play music, go to HA, turn on the room using the media player card, and select a source. The integration will then send the command to the matrix to connect e.g. input 2 to output 4, which might be playing my Spotify Connect instance in the kitchen.
I also have developed a Lutron Audio Pico automation that controls the audio in a room, exactly like it did with Control 4, but better. It has pause/play, next track, and volume up/down. If anyone’s interested I could share that, it’s really just an automation and a python script. But it was just as much work as the matrix integration.