Home Assistant green use Google Coral with Frigate addon crash

Hi all,
I tried to install frigate and use the Google Corals USB TPU with the home assistant green.
Frigate worked, when I use the CPU of the Home Assistant green, but this is not really performing, so I tried to use a Google Coral USB TPU.
And when I start Frigate with the settings in the frigate.yml Home Assistant crashes completly.

type: edgetpu
device: usb

Does someone has Frigate running on a home assistant green with the Google Coral USB TPU?
I need some help.
Thank you very very much in advance.
Kind regards

Hi Antonio Licata,

Found this, maybe help, maybe not.
HassOS, Frigate, Coral M-2 TPU.

Hi Sir_Goodenough,
happy new year.
Thank you for the link, but it didn’t help.
I was some time offline, but I will give it a try this year again.
Kind regards