Home Assistant hangs when camera component in config

Hi everyone, have there been any updates to not block the live camera? I have 4 and after a few seconds the live freezes

Freezing live video is different to crashing HA altogether.

Have you guys had any luck with this? Iā€™ve had 4 Hikvision cameras in my config for quite some time, with stream: enabled, but Iā€™ve rarely actually used the live stream (just for a few seconds here or there) and never had an issue, even with pre-load stream enabled for my front door camera.

Last night I enabled camera live-feed notifications for my wifeā€™s iPhone and HA crashed each time a few minutes after a test notification was sent. All front-ends that were open (apps, tablets, and Chrome on my laptop) disconnected and wouldnā€™t reconnect, and all back-end logs stopped (normally at least a couple log messages/min) with no errors. Had to restart the container manually to get it running again. Couldnā€™t find anything else, but was led to this old thread, which looks like my issue may be related to.

tl;dr: have you had any luck finding out what was causing the hang?

Nope. I just stopped using streaming.

Dang. OK. Well I swapped the sub-streams of two of my cameras to MJPEG and added them using the MJPEG component instead of generic, seems OK for the momentā€¦

Just noticed this behavior when trying to switch several camera to live mode vs auto. CPU seems fine, but HA just ends up getting really slow and hanging after a period of time. The more streaming cameras, the quicker it hangs.

Just have to keep them on auto and if you want a stream on a single camera, just click on them one at a time individually.

I know this is an old post but I have tried everything. Even tried a PI 4 and a PC - if I use the camera platform for even something simple like a local image my HA is slow and then eventually I cant load anything in the front end - completely kills the front end. Not even the supervisor will load. It starts off with some images/cameras not loading then about 2 mins after HA front end is dead

I have the same issue so Iā€™m removing the live line from the configs and now cameras are back to refreshing every 10 seconds.

Known stream bug. Thereā€™s a live issue on the stream component on GitHub