Home Assistant Hardware Suggestion

Hi. I have an extra Ryzen 3800X CPU. Would you suggest this as a home assistant server? Planning to get an MSI B550M motherboard (to plug existing 1TB m.2, 16GB RAM, additional LAN card).

That will be plenty (overkill?). I run on a Raspberry Pi 4B with 32GB SD Card & 8GB of memory and hardly stress it (%1-2% CPU; ~30% memory and disk utilization). But I don’t know what you are going to use it for.

Might want to consider a VM install and use the excess capacity for something else.


Complete overkill, but if you have the hardware why not use it.

Why an additional network card?

You will not need the 16GB of memory just for home assistant. Only if you run it virtual in proxmox for example.

I am currently learning proxmox right now. Planning to setup the 3800X for a proxmox servers with a couple of VMs.

I will be running proxmox with the 3800X. Does the HA work well in a VM? or should I get a dedicated machine just for HA?

HA works great in a VM. That is one of the most popular install options.

Follow this excellent guide to set up HA within a Proxmox VM. Enjoy!