Home Assistant has stopped working

A few weeks ago, my automations suddenly stopped working. Since my modem has a habit of changing my internal IP addresses, I figured it was that. I looked up the new IP in the DHCP and updated my links. However, to my dismay, I was unable to access Home Assistant, with Firefox telling me that it simply can’t connect.

I have taken the SD card out of my RPi 4, inserted it into my Windows PC, and it seems to be working fine. Windows 10 only shows the hassboot partition, which seems in line with what I could expect. I could simply reinstall HA OS, but given the amount of integrations I had going on, I’d rather try and recover what I have first. Can anyone help me out?

Install Linux Reader (free). Look for your log files and see if you can fix any errors that show up by editing your config.

Otherwise, using Linux Reader, copy off your latest snapshot, or if you don’t have one, your entire /config folder including the hidden .storage folder.

Reinstall then restore your snapshot, or copy over your config file. You will have to reinstall and set up any addons you use if using the copy method.

In future use one of these to automatically back up your installation off the SD card:

To a NAS: Samba Backup: Create and store snapshots on a Samba share

To Goggle Drive: Add-on: Home Assistant Google Drive Backup

To DropBox: Hass.io Add-on: Upload hassio snapshots to Dropbox

To NextCloud or S3: [New Addon] Snap-Shipper - Webdav and S3 backups (and probably other ways to later on)