Home Assistant - Integrated ZigBee Control? (And SkyConnect Questions)

Hello all,

Currently a HomeSeer user, looking at trying Home Assistant. HomeSeer is a bit buggy/inconsistent for me, so am hoping Home Assistant can fill its shoes even better. My installation also has a few more moving pieces than I’d like, spread across multiple VMs, so am hoping the integrations within Home Assistant can unify things a bit.

My question: Is ZigBee control integrated into Home Assistant, or does it also require intermediary software like DeConz? What about with the upcoming SkyConnect?

Some questions specific to SkyConnect: Ignoring Thread and Matter, how does it compare to ConBee? (my current ZigBee hub) What would draw someone to it over the ConBee? What, if any, intermediate software is needed for it? Is there a list of out-of-the-box supported devices for it?

Thanks, all!

HA’s “built-in” zigbee is ZHA (Zigbee Home Assistant). Out of the box, nothing extra is needed other than a zigbee adapter - and it will work with your Conbee II stick.

The SkyConnect stick is newer HW than the Conbee II. Likely more powerful signal with a roadmap toward thread.

The extra $20-$30 for a new stick is worth it to avoid a rush to do it all conversion. I would not recommend buying a new Conbee II - it is old technology at this point and despite sincere intent to keep support up, I have to doubt non-ezsp adapters will get as much attention going forward.

As to “why ZHA vs deConz,” I haven’t seen a good thread on that, but may have missed one, since I never gave deconz/conbee any real consideration.

Not exactly on point but the z2m/ZHA thread at ZHA Vs Zigbee2Mqtt may give a little insight to ZHA.

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