Home Assistant interface for Garmin's Connect IQ platform

  1. The naba casa link comes with port or without?
  2. The other thing comes to my mind is to remove the widget and start over.

Looks like no port is used:

I’ve tried removing and adding the iq app again, didn’t work.


Tried with http://IP:port and token. But no luck, -300 error.
I imagine that is due to not having https, but I do not have plans to put it.


Unfortunately requiring https support is a requirement due to how Garmin Connect makes the web request from the phone.

Very happy with this! Works superb. Just here to give a compliment for your effort.

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Hello, my concern is the following my watch displays “-2” and the connect app cuts and restarts as well as the connection between the watch and the phone …
an idea ??

This is cool I have been using it for a while. What would make it even better is if it could use the watches wifi instead of Bluetooth.

Anybody using this app with a Nabu casa subscription?

I still get the -104 error and I’ve checked everything there is to check. I’ve removed and reinstalled without success.

Awesome work! Is there a reason for the overview of the contents of the ‘group’ to show in the first screen of hassiq rather than directly the individual scripts? Or is there a way to turn that off that I have overlooked?

I don’t understand how this works and doesn’t expose HA to the internet…
When setting up the DuckDNS add-on you have to forward port 8123 thus making HA accessible from the internet.

Am I missing something here?

I guess it’s because the first screen it shows you the current state of the entities

Hi I’m getting message status: -400

any hints?


Hello I keep getting status 104.

I have configured the group correctly and have tried access via Nabu Casa url (https) and through my DDNS (http). In all cases “Status 104”. Nice app but the documentation could be improved…

Anyone any idea as what may cause a Status 104 ?

Works great thanks- Noticed that it didn’t perform actions when i loaded it up with over 8 items but its still sick!

Vivoactive 3 + HA on reverse Proxy

I can’t connect with my vivoactive 3, it gives Status 0 error and immediately Status -300.
Home Assitant on Hass.io on a RPi
Any idea?

300 is the generic HTTP error code. check your syntax in your setup, you may have the wrong url set… I would suggest you leverage Nabu Casa for the external URL.

@alanf I have been using this for about a year and recently I moved from a VM Hassio build to a dedicated HassOS NUC. the first thing to share was that because I use Nabu Casa for remote access, migration was super easy. I generated a new Long-lived token and updated the app in connect IQ and everything worked instantly.

I´m using local configuration, but I have the same code -300. This is my configuration:

Any idea?

@miescorbu Only Https is working. No http.

Many thanks for this Widget!! it works great :slight_smile:

The only issue for me, as im new to HA groups, is that if I add a new group “garmin” with some of the stuff I want to control with the watch… then in HA dashboard all entities are duplicated :(… any way to avoid this or just add entities independently to HassIQ?
Or is just a lovelaze thing and i should just create a cleaner dashboard??
